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A member registered Aug 08, 2021

Recent community posts

Incredible concept executed perfectly.

Please keep adding to it.

can't wait to purchase.

would love to read a post mortem on the game when your finished with it, such a fascinating development story I feel. 

such a cool and well designed map. and all the new added equipment. please take your time with this feels like it could really be something special considering its size.

Incredible update cant wait to buy the full release. 

One of your best games in my opinion, on the same level as Featherfall and Wild-9. 

this has to me my most hyped indie still in progress. thanks for you continue dedication 

hope you can finish this amazing project. screw present day capcom

Ohhh cool I just picked up LuckItown (in my opinion your best game) this looks on the same level as quality cant wait to try it. 

Amazing work thanks for you dedication 

Amazing work Cant wait to Support again on steam.

Amazing Update

amazing concept, I knew the watching Supernatural would come in handy one day

amazing style

lovely CRPG (please make the shopkeeper un-killable in demo)

Pulled of the Souls feel really well Hope to see similar games from the team

no problem dude I read on the store page and found the solution to CBD. I only have 2 threads left undone but have been having problems with the roach taking the RAID once I have it also the Mexican Cartel Quest is messing up. once they kill the cop in the bathroom what needs to be done to complete Thread?

love the game. how do you add CBD to brownie Mix ?