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i can't confirm this but i'm pretty sure the reason why some people can't play grow your guarden is because is only runs on two cores. here's why i'm so sure: i switched from my computer which was confirmed only had one core due an error of opening geometry dash(another game that runs only on two cores) and this laptop that i'm using to play the game is weaker, meaning why it could only run on two cores
of course there could be a different reason why the error occurs that's why i would like to ask JOSHUA if this is true or not.
-me, thank you for your time
great game! here's my tips for an update from my experience:
1. Nerf rocket plants:
Rocket plants are too op they should have less HP and damage
2. The insta-grow glitch should get patched:
Using insta-grow on an already grown plant will cause the rocket plant to fully recharge
3. Flying enemies and missile bells:
The flying enemies are extremely weak same applies to missile bells being boring and only one-use
4. New plants:
I've though of a effect within a 5 tile radius where all coins are automatically collected or at least 50% of the original value
(Same with a instant damaging effect)
5. Another rocket plant "glitch"
If a rocket plant kills an enemy off the screen we are not able to collect the coins from the enemies, two solutions:
The coins get automatically collected off the screen
Enemies spawn in a already-see area
6. More stats would be cool
"Money for beating 22th lvl" HP displayed on enemies,
7. Game lore expanding; more to explore like more items ground enemies and so
Somehow a technique to unlock more area for plants...
i could go on forever