Someone tell me if I'm the only one who, when he goes to put the sausage in the microwave, he doesn't show his gray hand to put it inside, I keep dragging it to the middle of it to see if anything else goes, I was stuck in this scene for two days, finally I'm waiting for the answer support to see what the problem is
Omega shadow
A member registered Jul 22, 2020
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good morning i am omega i need help can help me my notebook uses an AMD E-350 processor with two cores
and ram is 4 ran
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
and Windows 10 and directx: version 12 is used
by steam specifications it should run on my notebook if you can probably run this on very low PCs with minimal / no grass / reduced settings
Establish the distance so my notebook runs the game Monster Girl Island: Prologue and you can give me some advice to configure it better