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A member registered Jan 03, 2024

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Honestly, I would like an event to prevent her from becoming a jerk.

The maid has weight levels she just doesn't have the sprites or interactions for the most part until she is immobile.

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Do you intend to add some flirtatious interactions with maya due to her having rather dirty comments?

just got to it. Hope to see this game gets updates post jam because it is real interesting.

With using the pathogen and feeder frenzy I noticed that maya is shown being effected but I never noticed any sprite changes outside of her being stuffed after feeder frenzy. Is it that she takes longer than the shop owner and the girl at the restaurant?

Thank you so much for clearing up the confusion looking forward to seeing them in action.

I have a question how does feeder frenzy and fetishism work? Because I did the two potion requirement for fetishism and I didn't notice anything different. 

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While playing this update I noticed that that may's weight is an error where it won't increase or decrease is this a bug or is may being worked on? Also I hope you add more events related to vanessa outside of courtroom and courtyard events.

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What was changed in the update because it seems to be exactly identical to the previous version or is there an event I haven't came across? Well outside of the customize feature at the beginning of the game.

I really like this game and I hope you add more to it. If I could make a suggestion maybe have the civilians have different sprites and dialogue icons depending on the towns weight and maybe have different events based on their weight.

I agree on your point for the class system. Although there is a way to lose weight but it is miniscule and wont last long being one of the fairy's stews. I do think there should be a more substantial amount to last longer and regain agility.

In the weight gaming page I saw the explanation for how lust and self-esteem work as mechanics. This may sound dumb but how exactly does the gluttony mind-alter work as a mechanic?

Not implemented yet

Do you plan to add even more floors to make the game session longer and to add more boss fights than what we have?

An idea could be to be able to put curses on those who cause you displeasure. Examples could be like a never ending hunger on the victim or the victim slowly swelling up with fat. I could see these being an alternate punishment for the scene with the panter or when the player is upset by the constant flow of food by May or Seinkia (court mage). To prevent things from getting out of hand or if the player finds the curse lasted long enough there should be a way to end the curse.

Since the next update will be the last major one, do you plan to make another game like this one?

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I love the new update. I said this in an earlier post but I think a set of classes would be interesting for different weight images and playstyles with different stats, equipment, and spells. I would also like to see a party system where you can recruit adventurers or certain enemies through a certain dialogue like with the goblins to let you go past without a conflict. 

Well you can just sedate tiff and put her in the chamber without having her being eaten.

Weird thought maybe you could give the perfect sandwich to the random hr encounters for a larger maximum size.

What was added with this update? Is it a continuation of the dragon scenario or just bug fixes?

Also an pair of ideas I have is the ability to hold a banquet or to stroll through the town to get a view of citizen's figures and quality of life.

There is an interaction in the other route. I found that out a bit ago. But thanks though for the response.


how do you get the cici and tiff interaction?

Like with Beth's narcissist brothers.

Does anyone know what is the unique story segment related to Stephanie roommate? I know Beth has her brothers and Jamie is the promotion.

I like what you did with this game I hope you add much more content to it. I hope you add things like adding separate classes and species for unique attacks, abilities, and different appearances. Also, maybe the possibility to recruit fellow adventurers or relatively friendly goblins (or other enemies) to form a party.

In the future do you plan to add other love interests outside of beth, stephanie, and jamie?

I love the updated scene where may gets stuck since you can use the personality alter on her which leads to a quite spicy segment. I hope we get more of the personality alter soon. I also look forward to the stuffing option becoming useable in the scene mentioned before. I also hope we get the continuation of the dragon story segment. I look forward to the upcoming updates.

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I love the new update. My favorite part about it is how you gave the co-workers more in-depth personality's. I also have a few ideas for things to add. You can add interactions with the co-workers outside of work in the different locations. Maybe add the actual beach location where the hotdog competitions take place. Add more interactions to kali post hyper serum. Make hang out events for Nicole and Roxanne. Have interactions with Sandra outside of her challenges. Being able to give the perfect sandwich to the love interests and see them balloon in size. Finally, I would like to see some new love interests outside of Stephanie, Beth, and Jamie where my personal picks would be Jade, Blossom, Celeste, Roxanne, or Sandra. I look forward to seeing what you add past the 3 current routes in the future.

Looking forward to the update. This is great work so far, I look forward to seeing what you will add in the future.

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If I may ask do you plan to add descriptions of other characters gaining weight affecting their clothing like how Erica's will? Are we going to see flirtatious dialogue options for characters like vanessa and Madeline close on the roadmap?

Also a few ideas could be adding a head maid for handling castle interior logistics and decor, the choice of region of where the kingdom is located, and adding newer races after the goblin that is in the opening screen with examples of oni and kitsune from Japanese culture or maybe some other semi-human based species like lamia, harpy, or mermaid maybe?

I agree and I hope they get possible romance or regular hang out activities.

I hope in the future we can see Beth and Stephanie become as large as the player character through certain interactions like repeatedly hanging out with them repeatedly.

An idea could be that you can cause an obesity pandemic through a wide area of effect of the weight loss spell or through something involving annette's growth potion having side effects on the crops or creates over production of crops.

It is just one of the random court room events.

I had the event I think the event is still wip.

What dragon? I haven't encountered it.

What got added with this update or is this just a template for the next set of updates?

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I want to ask if there is a bug with Erica's weight gain where after she becomes a bit plump she becomes anorexic for every appearance check even though she weighs 900lbs. I also hope you finish the events where you help may get unstuck and have the encounter with ebrietas finish up where you interact with her and return to the castle. I also noticed that midnight and sarah have a similar problem like erica but they gain weight at a rapid rate reaching their immobility stages after a regular meal.

I also have a few suggestions for additions.

1. Have a way to make ebrietas a guest to the castle after the first encounter with her. Like a temporary summon for a day or two.

2. Have a personal tailor npc to create different outfits options depending on what the character will do. Possibly two gender options like the aid and marshal where the female tailor can be fattened up.

3. When May starts to struggle with her duty have the option to hire additional aids like the comment suggests when she is barely mobile. Maybe have a few of the new aids be able to gain weight?

4. Add interactions with midnight, kira, vanessa, the panter, and madeline out side of events that include them that the player can initiate in specific locations.

5. Have seikana (probably spelt wrong) be able to gain weight.

6. Add a spell that enhances the players body to where they can handle more weight before becoming immobile and have the amount of weight that can be handled increase with the spell becoming more potent.

7. Have the teleport spell be used on other characters that are struggling with mobility.

The dust is an achievement to re-enter the shop if you have the fairy at home you will get a hint to talk to her for help.