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A member registered Jul 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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if you place the mirror dice on the opposite side of the board from another die, it will duplicate that die. You can do some crazy stuff with it like duplicate healing, or save it for when you roll a 6 and double that.

Definitely one of my favourites. 

Awesome game, really enjoyed this. 

for starts, make sure you press "M" to talk to matt on the start screen to get a starting bonus. Try to save room for energy replenishing food and don't underestimate seasoning as a means of healing! you can beat first pass with that alone ^^

GL homie

Ethereal bomb bow: not as strong as i was hoping, but i'm glad i got it to work. For the amount of time and clicking, i think the ethereal arrows need some love.

Starts at ~1200 dmg and climbs about 200 dmg per turn. was fun.