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A member registered Oct 01, 2018

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Yeah... that's what I'm saying lol. 

Such a beautiful game. The Illustration is great and the facial expressions are S Tier. The endings are very interesting as well, I enjoyed it!

Cool game, I ran into a problem where I couldn't replicate the last ending for some reason, but I did get it lol.

I'm really loving the direction the game is going, the vibe is just phenomenal 

Can't wait for the bigger room!


Loving the new update! 

Fun game

Really cool game, reminds me of stanly parable, so I had to go and defy the narrator at all cost!

All 3 Endings. Really cool game, shows what someone going through depression experiences pretty well!

I knew you guys were working on something big but I didn't expect it to be this big! Very impactful update :)

Really loved the two perspectives of the game, made a story explained on it :)

Me looking at all the new stuff in the update 1.2!

This game was so well made! These poor clowns don't deserve all this :(

Guys! I found the secret tape!

It's short but I think it's hiding a very disturbing ending!

Amazing game, great use of loop mechanics and has a very relatable plot. Loved it!

Amazing snake animation and graphics! Sound design was also stellar, couldn't ask for much more, great game!

One of my viewers found a hidden file in the game files, sorry if you didn't want it leaked devs!

I tried putting in some codes suggested by my viewers to see what would happen! Hello, Lamb, Wooly and Help!
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I went back and watched every frame in this game and I found out some crazy secrets!

Great game, good set up and great twist at the end!

Really big improvement from the Demo I last played! I like how going to the bathroom each night set up really nicely with the climax, good job!
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I really like the story and dialogue. Especially how dreadful all the endings turn out to be. 

I was a little disappointed by the lack of more violent images. I think adding just a few pictures of the stalker using a knife or even just his fist and adding blood to it would've really made it a lot better. 

Awesome game, you can really feel how sad he is that he knows his time alive is so very limited but tries to keep a smile through it all. I'll miss you buddy.
(3 edits)

Short but incredible atmosphere. The jumpscare animations are great! A solid horror game.

Pretty good game, I was a bit disappointed by the "jump scare" though. I feel like the place he jump scares you should be more unpredictable, not done after you already see him in the most obvious place, your bed. He even says hi first which makes it a lot less scary IMO. He should've just done it after grabbing you from behind when you walked in the room so you couldn't see it coming.

All Endings

Love the game. The new endings really deepened the lore, every revelation was really fascinating and made you understand more and more about John Doe. How much crazier and insane he is than you originally thought. Great game.

Is there an 8th secret ending? The description says there's 7 endings total but also later has 8 different endings to get. The guide only shows 7 so I assume the 8 is a typo?

High Definition, Edited w/ Commentary

Very cool mechanic using selfie cam for clues that can't be seen by normal eyes. Great graphics and the execution was great! Had a great time with the game.

High Definition Video with commentary and edited to maximize your viewing experience :)

This is one of the better horror games I've played in a while and here's why: (To dev, I did find some bugs I'll point out at the bottom)

Gameplay: Flows very smoothly, mainly focusing on exploration over finding random notes. The task and puzzles all feel intuitive and fits in well with the story. 

Story: Immerses you really well as a child who has nightmares which explains the events happening.

Graphics: Great

Scares: Animations + Sound is terrifying, made me jump several times.

Bugs: Not too game breaking because there's auto saves and loads at good intervals. 1. You can walk into cars (6:27) 2. The box you need can disapear if you drag it into heater, which is right next to it (8:18) 3. Don't know if there's a way to switch batteries or if its supposed to be automatic, had to restart when mine ran out even though I had batteries in inventory (10:17)

Would recommend

(5 edits)

I managed to solve all the puzzles that are shown initially (or at least I think). This walkthrough shows how to solve the first three, I'm not sure where to go from there but I'll still post it since no one else posted a video going this far. Hope it helps one of you figure it out! Edit: I figured it out and its really simple. View the rest for SPOILER

The numbers on the maze indicates the order of the turns you have to take.

Really atmospheric game, I almost felt like a garbage man because of how immersive the job was which made the little jumpscares which felt very natural even more scary. And that plot twist at the end was executed very well with consistent build up. A very well made game.

Game is very well made and the atmosphere was perfect! If there is one critique, it would be the monster isn't really that scary. 

Other than that, I really enjoyed the experience with this game!

Really great game for only being created in only 36 hours. This is one of those games that I hope someone takes the concept of and expands into a bigger game.

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This time I did the challenges! And boy are they hard, I think I'd have to spend quite a bit of time figuring them out to actually beat them which isn't a bad thing! The challenges are pretty well made, a bit simple but adds nice twist to the game.

Thanks! I thought it might've been the shop upgrade, "unlock more options" but I think that upgrade gives more shop options in the next shops now that I think about it.

I unlocked it but I forgot how I did it. Anyone know? I think it tells you how when you hover it if you haven't unlocked it yet.

My first video on this game did really well so I went and beat all the bosses! I'm really happy about the shovel change too, it was a big issue in the first run when I needed to replace units in the front, having to click on the shovel everytime was so annoying. Really glad the dev is paying attention and actively making good changes to the game! Thanks to that I was able to have a much better experience this time around.