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Omnipotent BRAIN

A member registered Nov 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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i named him nyx did not know that nyx was already a character then changed it to Azazel

im fcking shitting bricks waiting for this update also downloaded some dope phonks to listen while MC fights gay boi

which damn sucker parasitic keyboard warrior is coming to this beautiful games comments to rant his ass out bruh

wtf is this jdjsjs dude yapping about 

i lost all my save files due to corrupt windows but this game is soo good that i can just replay the whole thing without getting bored

hopefully not


This game is awesome got me to complete all side quests with just manual labour giving me trouble excluding that mannnn agnes is hot asf boredbasmati give update fast cant wait fr also will update be in built type cuz I dont wanna lose my progres

oh thanks mate 

ok, I am new to Itch i have the game downloaded how do I update it without deleting my progress?

was going to open Itch to see bout an update and got it thanks weird world even if the game is 2D I still love it due to the story