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A member registered Jun 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)


  • background: i never really play shmup games, i have never finished a touhou, i played your game on browser on a Mac with keyboard only. I did 1 run with no continue.
  • First of all, awesome game wow, the amount of polish is insane (I'm really moved by the sound design in menus lol). It's really fun too while being challenging. I'm usually not that into difficult games but i feel like yours has a really 'FUN' curve.
  • I like the few choices the game gives you 'Should I kill the hands first?', or 'Should I kill the moon or the sun first?' (i ended just always killing the sun first and then building meter with the Moon).
  • The 'slow down' mechanic is probably too emphasized when really it's no big deal lol.

I don't think we need such a dark screen when the effect really is just your ship going slower (which is maybe why some comment wanted it to slow down bullets too, it's really a dramatic effect when in reality it's not lol)

  • Lots of designs choices I was skeptical at first, but after playing it I understood their points. Like for example, at the beginning of the game, I wouldnt even see the SPIN attack being launched because it automatically launches itself when you hold Z. So as a creator I thought "Wouldn't it have been better to have the player manually trigger it by pressing Z again? so you can see the big boom effect?".

But now I realize the game really was kinda designed with Auto fire in mind lol? (maybe that should be the default option? idk)

  • Frankly your game could work on 2 buttons (or even 1), Z could slow down the pilot while youre shooting instead and X is for triggering SPIN lol.
  • I thought at first the Spin was so weak, but now I understand more the philosophy of the game and see how you used it to design your bosses, and I think it's kinda busted now lol. Like you can just kill bosses in one Spin. Is that what you guys wanted? I almost never fought the beast guy phase of stage 4, because I was always going in with charged ready to kill it easily (also he seems like he has really low health for some reason?)

Maybe the damage could be scaled so it does more when you have few bullets charged and less when you have more charged? idk, even the tiniest change could really change the difficulty of some levels so that's kind of risky lol. Like the beginning of the game I had a hard time charging because there's relatively few bullets (which made me think maybe it's not worth trying to charge), but at the end it's charging so fast lol.

  • Also maybe remove the grazing when you're invincible from respawning? You can get meter by just going to where there's a big density of bullets while you're invincible. Maybe you could remove the meter that reset when you die to offset that? (i wonder if it's really necessary)
  • i like the shapes of the bullets matches their speed (round bullets are fast, lines are slower so you can go and graze them). and i like this purposeful design where slow bullet you try to farm them, but fast bullets you avoid them
  • the touhou level is a nice change of pace, i liked it less at first (because all the bullets are rounds, at first you dont understand why you cant graze black bullets, it felt like there were less opportunity to graze slow bullets). But it really does have it's own identity with it's own phases (like that moment where she shoots beams of black bullets and you can charge super fast, but you have to stay within the zone delimited, I think that's really cool how it's like a different little game).
  • you think you could put the Rebind in the option of the pause menu ingame? (at one point I was thinking of switching to a controller lol)

I would have liked to spend more time with the foetus maybe, I really liked at the end where everything gets faster and faster! But I didnt reach this phase enough (or I did but then I completed this phase without dying lol)

love the game!

(1 edit)

Usually when I encounter such case, Right click > Open is enough and it would let me run it. But not here. Is there another way to run it?


Hello, I cant run the game on Mac OS, it says it needs to be updated for my current OS version (I got Ventura 13.5)

That's really not surprising seeing how compact Pico chess is and how it was developped by a single person).

What would be more interesting is... can you beat Pico chess yourself ;-) ?

You forgot to include the MANUAL.txt in the mac zip. Tbh you could just make it a separate download? idk

Mhh i'm not sure how the en passant thing happened lol

(2 edits)

Hey, thanks a lot for playing and for the feedback! I'm glad you liked the game.


  • Pawns can en passant Kings? Shouldn't your King be unable to be 1 diagonal away from the pawn anyway?
  • Yea you can move the enemy pieces sometimes, I used this to debug my program lol.
  • Mhh I thought that I mentionned that, but I'll try making it clearer.
  • Oh yea that's unintended, the data must be overflowing. Though maybe I should keep it? idk it could be fun that your pilots progress after each run.


  • Yea I can do a gallery and add an Exit button.

Thanks again for the feedback lol.

Oh man the King and Queen really look similar lol, the AI sure makes some huh funny moves.

(5 edits)

I won with the Sun girl.

well that was kind of underwhelming ending lol

(2 edits)

Alright i cant get past the hot rocks area (level 6? 7?), nice game though lol.

your Mac version works for me

(2 edits)

Was fun, but yea, i'd really love to see the description of each spell somehow in the UI lol. There's soo many different spells that seems to have the same effect? idk

Also if someone is willing to gather the data on the Meld tree lol, I really can't bother memorizing every combinaison. It's very frustrating when you ruin one good item/lose your run because you didn't know what you'd get (I suggest allowing the player to preview/undo a meld, this way you also keep the surprise of discovering new combinaisons)... I still haven't managed to make a pet yet, i kept breaking it from Meld combinaisons lol. My deepest run is with the Sun Mage (seems like it's pretty easy early on?) whereas with the inventor, i die on the first level or something lol.

Psyzard community · Created a new topic First

Oh wow, that seems a bit complicated. Looks cool though lol, loved Psycards. Oh there's even a japanese translation.

You put numpad as controls but i guess it's fully playable with the mouse?

Cool to see you still active on itch!

There's a bug 

Application folder:  .../final/Build  There should be 'startgame_Data'  folder next to the executable

Your folder '0.1 chess game_Data' is named wrong! Be careful.

(1 edit)

we won, you can check in the archive how it played out.

1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qa5 { B01 Scandinavian Defense: Main Line } 4. Bb5+ c6 5. Ba4 Nf6 6. d3 Bg4 7. f3 Bf5 8. Bd2 Qb6 9. g4 Bg6 10. Bf4 Qxb2 11. Qe2 Qxa1+ 12. Kd2 e6 13. Be5 Bb4 14. Qe4 Bxe4 15. fxe4 Qxc3+ 16. Bxc3 Na6 17. Nf3 O-O-O 18. Ne5 Rhf8 19. Bb3 Nc5 20. Bxb4 Ncxe4+ 21. Ke1 c5 22. Ba3 Nd5 23. dxe4 Nc3 24. h4 Rd1+ 25. Kf2 Rxh1 26. Ke3 Rd8 27. Nxf7 Rh3+ 28. Kf4 Ne2+ 29. Ke5 Rd7 30. Nd6+ Kc7 31. Bxc5 b6 32. Ba3 Ng3 33. Bxe6 Rxd6 34. Bxd6+ Kc6 35. Bb3 Rxh4 36. Bd5+ Kb5 37. c4+ Ka6 38. Be6 h5 39. Bb4 b5 40. c5 Kb7 41. Be1 hxg4 42. Bxg3 Rh5+ 43. Kd6 Rh6 44. c6+ Kb8 45. c7+ Kb7 46. c8=Q+ Kb6 47. Qc7+ Ka6 48. Ke7 b4 49. Bc4# { White wins by checkmate. } 1-0

i was fuming when we lost the rook at 25. Kf2 Rxh1 lol


Guys, I got this, just let me 1v1 him.

egor in shock they blundered their queen too

I swear if you're the guy that blundered the Queen just now, or the rook earlier....

(1 edit)

Wow, i really hate playing with strangers that just blunder pieces lol

ShadowChess community · Created a new topic Feedback

Quite cryptic at first until you understand the rules. I'd say the first level is very bad at helping you understand the rules lol. You just die all the time without understanding why. It's hard to distinguish between a pawn and a bishop sometimes.

In the end it's a lot of 'cheesing' with long range pieces, but quite fun lol.

Against the coach it seems to work, but in the tournament whatever I put in the slider it ends up being 5 minutes, too bad!

I meant the '消耗' number lol. I don't know what it means.

Mhh no matter which time option I select, it's always 5 minutes?

(2 edits)

Oh I see, so it's kinda like Shotgun King? Pretty nice!

I'm not too sure what the bottom number does? What's the advantage of using the soldier, it's because it's cheaper than to move with the King itself?

Nice little puzzles.

Fun little game, the screen is a bit cut-off for me though, I had to zoom-out lol.

Rules for people that don't understand: You need to have a specific combination in hand to move some pieces. Like you need to have at least a pair to move a Knight. Gold pieces are the one you can move. Either you move (which then change your whole hand) or you exchange which keeps some of your cards in hand.

Feedback: moving the Queen and Rook is just too hard lol. Especially doesn't seem worth for the Rook seeing how hard is it for him to move anywhere in the opening.

I gotta admit i dont understand the rules lol, a tutorial/explanation would be nice.

you gotta lower your screen's refresh rate.

No clue how you found that but you're amazing!!

I think theres a bug, when you do the URDL combination, when you do it a second time the game crashed for me.

alright, yea i dont think you need stones above 100 lol, your game was already really well tightly designed ( i still love how you used the concepts of primes and composites for mixing up powers together lol )

omgg you made stones higher than 100? daang gotta play that again sometimes

spread more love and less hate brother!

Game was alright, pretty short I guess but man is it hard to picture the rotational symmetry lol.
I was quite confused by the rules (I thought, does the placement of the dots have any meaning? Why can you change the arrangement when you click on them again? At one point I was wondering if you wrote a number in binary). If it's for hinting, i suggest turning the dots 45 degrees (so each dot matches a direction).
Would be nice to have something procedurely generated (though checking if it can be solved without guessing is hard.)

Really I would make it more clear what the "rules" are.

For anyone interested in trying to find the shortest path to go through every picture word, (and if we consider undo as a free move)/the smallest set of words to reach every word. I have 174 words (if we included every word in the tutorial):

dram 4
>dram 5
>>DRAW 5
dray 6
>dray 7
>>DRAW 7
>>>WARD 7
bard 8
bank 10
>bank 11
>>BAND 11
>BAND 12
>BAND 13
>>bard 13
bare 14
babe 15
>babe 16
>>bare 16
dear 18
dree 20
>dree 21
>>DEER 21
>>>dear 21
>>>>BEAR 21
>BEAR 22
sear 23
feal 25
>feal 26
>>SEAL 26
heal 27
herd 29
>HERO 31
>>herd 31
>>>HEAD 31
>>>>heal 31
>>>>>SEAL 31
peal 32
peck 34
>peck 35
>>PEAK 35
>>>peal 35
>>>>SEAL 35
>>>>>sear 35
>sear 36
>>BEAR 36
>>>bare 36
>>>>bard 36
>bard 37
>>WARD 37
caid 39
>caid 40
>>CARD 40
carb 41
>carb 42
>>CARD 42
carn 43
>carn 44
>>CARD 44
>>>WARD 44
wark 45
>wark 46
>>WARD 46
>>>WORD 46
pood 48
bony 51
>bony 52
bine 54
bide 55
aide 56
>aide 57
>>bide 57
>>>bine 57
>bine 58
kine 59
>KING 61
>>kine 61
>>>bine 61
wine 62
>wine 63
>>bine 63
>>>BONE 63
sone 64
hose 66
hole 67
>hole 68
>>hose 68
show 70
>show 71
>>SHOE 71
>>>hose 71
>>>>NOSE 71
>NOSE 72
>>sone 72
>sone 73
>>BONE 73
>>>bony 73
>>>>PONY 73
>>>>>POND 73
>>>>>>pood 73
mool 75
coon 77
icon 79
>icon 80
>>COIN 80
>>>coon 80
>>>>MOON 80
loon 81
>loon 82
>>MOON 82
>>>mool 82
>>>>POOL 82
>>>>>pood 82
>>>>>>WOOD 82
rood 83
>rood 84
goad 86
boot 89
boob 90
>boob 91
>>boot 91
bock 93
>LOCK 95
>>bock 95
>bock 96
>bock 97
>>BOOK 97
>>>boot 97
fore 100
FIRE 101
>fore 101
gore 102
OGRE 103
>gore 103
>>fore 103
>>>FORT 103
>>>>FOOT 103
>>>>>boot 103
>>>>>>BOAT 103
>>>>>>>GOAT 103
COAT 104
CHAT 105
>COAT 105
>>GOAT 105
moat 106
ATOM 107
>moat 107
MEAT 108
neat 109
NEST 110
>neat 110
>>MEAT 110
tame 111
fame 112
FACE 113
>fame 113
>>tame 113
GAME 114
GATE 115
cate 116
case 117
CASH 118
bash 119
BUSH 120
>bash 120
>>CASH 120
fash 121
FISH 122
dish 123
DISC 124
>dish 124
>>FISH 124
pish 125
SHIP 126
>pish 126
>>FISH 126
>>>fash 126
>>>>CASH 126
>>>>>case 126
VASE 127
>case 127
>>cate 127
cite 128
CITY 129
>cite 129
>>cate 129
>>>GATE 129
date 130
DATA 131
>date 131
>>GATE 131
>>>GAME 131
>>>>tame 131
TIME 132
LIME 133
limp 134
lump 135
JUMP 136
>lump 136
>>limp 136
>>>LIME 136
mile 137
MILK 138
>mile 138
pile 139
PILL 140
gill 141
GIRL 142
>gill 142
>>PILL 142
HILL 143
>PILL 143
>>pile 143
PIPE 144
>pile 144
>>mile 144
>>>LIME 144
>>>>TIME 144
>>>>>tame 144
wame 145
wale 146
WALL 147
BALL 148
>WALL 148
mall 149
MAIL 150
hail 151
HAIR 152
>hail 152
>>MAIL 152
RAIL 153
RAIN 154
ruin 155
quin 156
QUIZ 157
>quin 157
>>ruin 157
>>>RAIN 157
>>>>RAIL 157
>>>>>MAIL 157
>>>>>>mall 157
>>>>>>>WALL 157
WELL 158
BELL 159
>WELL 159
>>WALL 159
>>>wale 159
>>>>wame 159
WAVE 160
lave 161
LOVE 162
>lave 162
>>WAVE 162
>>>wame 162
>>>>tame 162
>>>>>MEAT 162
>>>>>>moat 162
>>>>>>>GOAT 162
>>>>>>>>goad 162
GOLD 163
COLD 164
>GOLD 164
GOLF 165
flog 166
FLAG 167
>flog 167
FROG 168
>flog 168
slog 169
slug 170
PLUG 171
>slug 171
>>slog 171
>>>flog 171
>>>>GOLF 171
WOLF 172
>GOLF 172
>>GOLD 172
>>>goad 172
>>>>ROAD 172
>>>>>rood 172
>>>>>>WOOD 172
>>>>>>>WORD 172
>>>>>>>>WORM 172
WARM 173
>WORM 173
(2 edits)

I think it following the grid would be better yea, maybe you could just remove the possibility of falling into the pits. (You already have the R restart if we get stuck, also I think you could make the R button works twice as fast lol).

Also I feel like the pushes are sooo slow. I think it would be nicer if you could push faster? (Though in the later levels I understood why the character doesnt just move while it pushes).

Could display the numbers of level left too.

Is this power creep...?

I'm not a fan of those levels with lot of superfluous stuff. Like this one too with the extra boxes and extra destroyable tiles 

Nice little game otherwise!

(7 edits)

The presentation of the game, the graphics, are so good for a free game lol.
Im listing some comments but obviously you're not gonna update it and it's fine:

  • -Some UI improvements could be done (such as showing when a button can be clicked). I was a bit confused at first and I didn't understand the color separation / skull separation thing lol. a bit more explanation could be nice (like when a card shines, it's safe; that every character has 2 skills, the top one cost 1 star the other 3 etc). 
  • -It kinda drags on too long? The campaign for one character is so long, especially since there's so many other characters we would like to try out. A game to 30 is just sooo long.
  • maybe during the campaign having some extra bonuses you gain as you progress  would have been nice? idk

I was so mad after losing the last fight after grinding like 2 hours on the game lol. I'll try again another time. Love the visuals! The characters are also pretty funny.

Question, are the main cast of characters from a different game?

(2 edits)
  • vs the 100: I struggled so much until I added the 19-stone Siphon lol, then it actually took me just 1 try (2 if you count the one where I just reset because he blocked all my opening on turn 1 lol). The 19-stone might be the best stone against him.
  • Removing a -1 stone should be fine, yes.
  • Yea I won against 19 fight in the first try lol, your advice of keeping the stones in hand if they're just going to die really made the opening better for me. Though I'm not planning to  do the 20-battle run challenge yet, I just wanted to try fighting 19 fight again with your advice lol.