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A member registered Nov 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Winner was Tutas with

Judges choice awards go to: and

Congratulations everyone!

Firstly, big thanks to everyone who has taken part this year. The quality has been excellent, and great to see so many ratings! It doesnt really matter who wins, as usual its just for fun - and I encourage you all to continue your projects.

As usual, when the submission period ends, there will be a short delay while I sort out all the bribes  scores etc before the results are made visible. It's usually only a couple of minutes.

OLC Community Rocks!


sigh, after fixing that bug, realised i'd disabled teh instruction screen lol - fixed now

Added a quick bug fix, to make orbs respawn after death  - sorry!

Excellently polished and good fun as usual. The leaderboard is a nice touch. Please add an option for MicroMachines style controls - my brain just cant get used to screen relative racing lol 

Go see!

You can reasonably easily get this to compile for your browser - which would increase people rating it. 

a video of gameplay might be quite useful for this entry!

It's an interesting point, and certainly a new one for me to consider. I would always err on the side of caution, and if you cant attribute it accurately, then it's not fair to use it.


Congratulations to Agent Amian for their entry "Motivated To Grow" as decided by the community as best overall! 

As usual, the OneLoneCoder official panel of officiators nominate two discord entries for Judge's Choice awards. This year, Congratulations to @Megarev for Weather Pong for being really addictive, and to @sigonasr2 for all round polish with Seasons of Loneliness An excellent jam given unusual circumstances, I'm mega proud of this community and hope that those that took part perhaps continue some of their projects through to completion!

Maybe time to get working on that community showcase!


you're a vampire...

Hey thanks and my pleasure John!

(1 edit)

Yeah you can up until the deadline - then it becomes locked for the duration of the rating period. 

Well, despite's best efforts to ruin the scoring this year, elves at OLC HQ have tabulated the overall rankings!

Congratulations to all who entered, our deserved winner this year was Elektropapst with "Future Me"

Full Results Here:

I'll be making a showcase video about the entries later this year, until then, thanks for taking part!

Take Care,


Well congratulations to everyone, but no immediate clear winner is frustrating. I will be contacting straight away to find out what's up.

My 100% time was 1:25:51. Any takers??

Time to rate as many entries as you can. I will be somewhat accommodating of bug fixes over next 48 hours. If you are late with your entry, then contact me via discord with a good excuse and we'll see about getting you in.


Indeed, good luck everyone!

Theme revealed "sort of live" here :D

Awesome work ishi!

(1 edit)

Well the community have voted, and dbrckovi with entry "Pyomm" received the most positive response! Check it out:

A judges choice award was also handed to: and

So a huge congratulations to them! And also a congratulations to everyone that took part, set themselves a deadline, and produced a result!

An awesome jam, extremely high quality entries, and most importantly a load of fun.

Take care,


Correct, though it wont let me edit the question. If you think its spam, just vote all 1s, i.e. do not give high scores

Also, please vote 1 star if you think the entry is spam

OLC CODEJAM 2020 community · Created a new topic WOOOOOOO!!

What a Jam! :D The entries look great!

In principle, you compile your VS solution into what you would release for the game - lots of people on the discord server can help you with this as you approach completion

You can collab, just make sure all team members are credited as part of the submission page.

I'm sure most of you are already members, but if you're not and want to discuss jam stuff, come join the official one

Thanks for the offer Kaltinril, but it does open up all sorts of legal difficulties, that may also differ by territory too. Besides, being crowned "olcCodeJam2020 WINNER!!" is an awesome prize XD

A selection of the submissions!

Well done to KyoZM!

I think the entries have been on average quite a high quality, so in fact, well done everybody! I'll be making a video featuring a selection from across the board.

You are now free to update/upgrade/remove whatever you want!

Thank you for taking part, I know for a great many of you it did help Beat The Boredom XD

I know it's frustrating to find bugs after you have submitted your entry, but hey that's life! People will judge your entry on what was submitted. Therefore, this jam is now locked down. Good luck to all those that have submissions, and make sure to rate and judge each others entries!

For EMERGENCY submissions, DM me on discord

Thats ok man, there are plenty of other jams, and the official OLC jam is later this summer! You can still review some of the entries though!

A great turnout, a great jam! If some of you link to videos of your applications, chances are I'll feature them in a video after the judging period is over. Good luck to all those that took part! Now we've 3 weeks to judge over 100 submissions. No time fore boredom!

Of course! Easy going jam this!

I did!

I've extended the Jam by 2 whole days! Use this time wisely XD

Could you resubmit please? My spam trigger finger got twitchy :D