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A member registered Sep 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi thanks for the feedback! I forgot to say that the game was targeted at Controller use instead of keyboard and I understand the keyboard controls were bad. Hope you enjoyed the game :)

(1 edit)

Please read the description on the game page if you are having any issues playing the game. Enjoy! :)

The level that I couldn't seem to complete was level 10 and the level that I died but completed it anyway was level 8 :)

This one is really cool.

Loved the mechanics and the whole idea, the level design was nice and I'd love to see this game progress.

I think this game has huge potential, but clearly not as a block game. The game will really look nice in future with proper art assets (if you have some) and a full fleshed out idea.

I had some bugs (if you press windows key it freezes until restart, the game didn't seem to do anything when I got out of the cave and transformed back into a human) but those are expected.

Really want to see what this game idea becomes in the future, nice!

Enjoyed it at first but found a level (4?) was either too hard or not possible? When I climbed to the top I couldn't seem to dash over the red zone but maybe I was just doing it wrong. Also one of the levels I died but it continued to the next level anyway.

I enjoyed the game but wish there was some more polish (Particles etc.).

I like this one a lot.

Really like the concept here, makes for a really simple fun game with replayability and competitiveness for highest score.

Enjoyed playing this with the movement system and colour mechanics as it's a well made game.

Only downside I found was that it could do with some small polish bits, such as some kind of trails/particles and 2 audio sounds (bouncing & scoring point).

Apart from that a really nice one :)

Really packed with features and I love that, teleport, enemies, switches etc.

My main problem with it was that while there were lots of features, some of them didn't work or add much to the game. For instance, if you drag from the player while it is in mid air then the player freezes, so the sticky wall feature is not needed (if you drag mid air and don't release then the jumps recharge anyway). Also the enemies were easily avoided.

Don't let this seem like I don't appreciate what's been made. I think for the amount of time loads was made but maybe just too much focus on quantity instead of the quality of the core features.

PS. Levels were frustrating, but there were only 2 so I guess if you had more then you would ramp up the difficulty slower. 

Thanks for the game :)

Nice game concept.

Unfortunately I tried to play this game 3 separate times and each time found the game was not playable. It seems the character wouldn't jump most of the times and when I did jump I didn't know where the end of the level was (if I reached it, the game didn't react to it) and found myself looking at a screen with no player on it.

The movement that I experienced when it did work was nice and the effects were nicely done.

Hopefully it is only me that has this experience. :)

Really liked the level design and polish features (Particles, checkpoints, Camera). 

Didn't like that the movement rotated as I jumped as the block would sometimes land on a corner and roll off the platform to my death and I didn't think I could do much about it (maybe I'm just bad).

Wish there was more to the movement system than just slide and jump. :)