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onion man1212

A member registered Jul 21, 2023

Recent community posts

If you take just a little bit of time and patience you can make a server with everything ya need in a day, but making games can be a lot of work so dont do anything that would make ya have more on your plate, take breaks mate and keep up a good mindset

Ah, that's what I thought it was but I just wanted to make sure, thanks mate

Need help with this, every time i run the game it turns into a black screen and crashes, is same problem other people are having but it tells me a error code "The instruction at 0x00007FFFA585D3DF referenced memory at 0x000001E082A000F . The memory could not be written" i have no idea about tech stuff and i just want to play this game again so please if anyone has any ideas on how to fix it please help a mate out.

 (i use a old HP laptop on windows 10 if that helps)

Im loven this games so far, great characters and story, cant wait for the new update keep up the good work mate

I'm at the point where I need to pick who I want to marry but I haven't picked anyone

I think I've done all the steps for it but is yet to show up on the quest board, I want to get the weeding quest for Shanna and Naomi and saw that I need to start this quest for it 

(I've gotten solo and onsen scenes with Shanna and Naomi)

All right thanks mate

hey great game i like the art and stuff just like i said before but do you guys have a rough estimate on the next patch? 

(sorry just excited for the new combat system)

Oh wow I didn't think it was that simple

Thanks man

I've been enjoying the story so fair and want to progress more but I'm stuck on the "find a helper for sabra's work" part 

I don't know who or what I need to give her to progress the story I'll appreciate any help that you guys can give me

No problem man you guys deserve some recognition for the work you put in

i love the art of this game so much keep up the good work mate you guys are on to something


just gonna say that this is really good for something that came out 12 days ago 

Will episode 8 ever be free like episode 7?