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A member registered Jan 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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They are a bit cliche, I'll fully admit that! With the time allotted for the jam I didn't really want to spend precious time thinking of a more unique idea: I thought "this fits the theme, it'll do". I actually had a more varied party with a skeleton, a zombie slime and a ghost cat but that didn't carry the theme as well for me so I changed it to four zombies. 

And yeah, that bug has been mentioned a lot and I'm really at a loss as to what's causing it. I'm looking into it and trying to fix it but I haven't managed to yet unfortunately! I'm glad you enjoyed the game despite that though, it means a lot that I could make you laugh! 

Thank you so much! Tactical RPGs are one of my favourite genres and I've always wanted to make them because there just aren't enough of them out there, and I always want to do something different and put new twists on both SRPGs and RM games, so it really means a lot that you think it has its own identity and appreciate how I tried to set it apart. Hopefully you'll be interested in my future tactics projects! 

Someone else had the same bug and I'm not sure what's caused it but I'll be looking into it for sure, I just didn't have time to test that battle as thoroughly as the others with the deadline encroaching. Hopefully an updated version will fix it but I had to submit something, you know? I'm glad you enjoyed it despite that, though, it means a lot!