i did note an interesting lil bug; after a while of attacking, i stopped and let the hero push me into second phase. i continued to not attack, and he ran away, which un-transformed me. doing this didn't fully reset the room's state though, as the candles were still lit in purple, rather than going back to orange, and stayed purple when the first phase of the next fight attempt began.
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absolutely adored this, love playing through it and trying to see what all endings i could find and tearing myself apart over the dialogue between the two characters.
the last goal i had was to beat the hero after transforming once i got the "one more time" dialogue. but i wasn't able to hit them once in that state over several attempts, so i assume they effectively become invincible at that point, if not incredibly difficult to make contact. it's kind of fitting though; one with enough hope and determination can overcome despair, especially with a goal close in sight. alas, the hero has more of those than i do. ^^;
very neat idea, really enjoyed it! though after finding an odd bug i wound up playing around with that more than the game itself. ^^;
placing a hot peg into the very top middle slot, then a frosty peg to its lower left and hitting play, within the first few balls one will become lodged into the ball dropper and no more will drop as the framerate tanks to very low FPS.
it can still happen with the hot peg in that position if there's no frosty peg, or if the frosty is in any other position, but it's far less likely; it also doesn't seem to happen if the hot peg is in the center position 2 rows down.
decent game, had some fun but three issues i noticed (played in Browser)
- i could buy food, but couldn't figure out how to actually use it. this isn't major since sleeping is free and possibly faster to deal with food, especially as there isn't anything to stop you from sleeping while making non-sex videos.
- the Speed slider in the sex scenes doesn't seem to function at all; i'd slide it from one end to the other during, try pulling out and re-inserting, nothing. just the same speed the entire time.
- in the Upgrades screen, where you spend Views to get bonuses, the entire bonus section redoes the whole sliding animation every time you buy one- which is a neat animation, but it's frustrating if you're just trying to buy the upgrades since you have to wait a bit for the buttons to become clickable again every single purchase, especially if you have a lot of Views waiting to be spent.