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A member registered May 05, 2021

Recent community posts

You alway make nice games for the VIC20! Keep them coming Misfit

Thanks Misfit you make some amazing games for the Vic20 keep them coming!!!!

(1 edit)

Nice to see games still coming to the Vic20, thank you for the time to share your game!!!

We done!!

Thank you I will enjoy this!!

Nice little shooter thank you for your time to make this game!!

What a lovely looking game! well done

Glad you are still making games for the Vic-20 

Thank you for a good game,enjoying the game play!!

Keep the games coming :)

Nice to see some love for the Vic-20, Hope you make some more games for the little Vic, Very nice game well done!

You don`t realize how good you are at making games for the VIC-20 totally amazing please keep making games for this little computer!!!!

(1 edit)

Thank you for this amazing game, well done!!!! I hope you make some more games.....