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A member registered Aug 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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🙏 ill die on the hill of being a decent person yeah! saying u dont care and then replying to each comment is mischevious work. just say u do care it wont hurt u + ur account looks like it was made just to argue 

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ok.. and would u saying u played dinos games before change anything?? u are STILL disrespecting dino.. have ur opinions about me tho ! bye !! :3

edit sorry chat you werent the original commenter being rude but i still stand on my take thanks 

my bad im whimsical and joyous and i like using exclamation marks !!! lmao get the MAIN POINT IN UR HEAD is that while yes they are a game dev they have a LIFE !! and it’s ridiculous to be commenting shit like this. my bad i dont wanna treat people like zhit regardless if i know them or not ! how is that being chronically online good lord

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may not be that serious sure but its still disrespectful.. 💀

also dinos a person !! not just a game dev !!! and they have a life !! this is entitled af !!! 

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hey this is weird af to say to someone! and calling dino just “dev” ! be better this is disrespectful