It's been a long time and we haven't seen a single Bloatfly, hmm
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You don't have to check Foxy that often. My strategy was that I kept checking left coridor on the cams every 4 seconds (on the nights 5-7) which allowed me to save a lot of energy. Foxy drains 3% of power on her first run, then 6 with every other run. If you don't check her running in the hall, she'll drain 21% of power. Freddy laughs 5 times until she gets next to your office. The strategy to avoid her is to wait 10 seconds and close the right door, this number heavily varies on the night AND the hour, she starts jumping from the closet to the kitchen more often as the night comes to an end. I don't recommend using lights on the doors if you hear Chica or Bonnie are at them, just close them and flick your tablet 2-3 times, then check the lights, they should go away by that time. I honestly don't know why you guys minus'd my post