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A member registered Feb 01, 2023

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You know, of all the things that happened just in the whole 2 days, i'm.. strangely anticipating how 'Garret Vs Teagan' arc will play out (should i called it an arc? 😭). It's not something i usually run into when playing this kind of game where i can see two yandere(s) potentially clashing with each other (they're considered as yandere in this game, right? or not?). It's kinda exciting and i can't wait to see how it will turn out in the next chapter.

All the sprites art are really nice to look at, and The CGs are well-done :D. I personally really love Garret's CG in Day 2, and Camila's as well!. They look adorable and sweet in there like, whaaaat T_T. It really captured their affections for MC - i love it.

And among all of them, i would say my favorite is Rita. She strike me as someone who's level-headed and also kind. Like, a good balance between mind and heart, i guess? Not to mention she's also a hard-worker. I love that vibes about her. Though, she could use a big hug :'). -And It was hard to lie to her, but i'm curious about Teagan too T_T. Argh, i feel bad for lying to her-.

Can't wait to see what you bring next :).

Okay, one, i'd love to see more of Leuther. Of all the cast, he's the one that pulled me in more. He rubbed me the wrong way, but i'd also love to see him more.

Two, Iori is such a sweetheart, tbh. I just want to hug him at this point -i don't mind being kept by him :')-.

Three, gonna be honest here; i'm also a sucker for quick-witted and meanie character like Nadya. And i kinda like this part between Nadya and MC: "An imbecile is an imbecile. Through and through." "A btich is a btich." 😂

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I love that there are two yandere(s) in this (They're, are they?). Also, i really like the dynamic between Caelum and Felix - ooh, the rivalry, can't wait to see more of that.

--And Spoiler below--

And, i just want to say i really loved this part (idk if i remember it correctly, but i really love their dynamic in this one):

Felix: "There's a lot of sh**ty people in this world. I'd like for none of them to touch them. Who knows what they'd do to such a kind person like (y/n)."

Caelum: "If you really have no intentions of doing anything... it wouldn't hurt having someone else around too. Only for (y/n)'s safety. Only that."

Argh! I can't wait for more! :)

This exceeded my expectation for a 'point & click' game. Like, i didn't expect it to be that good one bit. The visual and the atmosphere made me regret it that i played this in the middle of the night T_T - but it's good nonetheless. 

Can't wait to get a taste of being whacked by that baseball bat when we try to escape 😂. Sport and Yandere? Sign me up.

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I mean, i'd rather marry him so he can granted my every wish 😂 The Devil is already one whole complete package himself. Perfect.

I forgot to read the desc and just played. Now i cry and get so emotional 😭 I miss my pet 

See You in 40 Years! (You're so close to perfect. So close close close close.)

Welp, nice to know, ahaha. This is fun and eerie :').

The dev really doing the personality custom well. Really love that the player could choose to be flexible or kind to anyone during the gameplay :). While i'm more into rebel or stoic MC -usually-, it was nice to be given the choice to be a soft-hearted MC as well and once in a while. This is such a gem 💚

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I'm putting this here, since this is the current game the Dev published and i couldn't find any other place where they're active aside from their itch io page. So...

Hmm... how to put this?

I like your characters (from Damien, Ciel, and even Zane -and Axel already looks interesting-). I've played this, the Main Game Demo and the other Short VN (the one with Ciel), and the Holiday Special as well. They're already unique in their own way, they're highly attractive, their Yandere sides are also differ from one to another, but.... there are a few things i want to point out to you.

(Please take this as a constructive and loving criticsm :) It's long, and of course, contain spoiler. And English is not my native language, so, expect grammar or speech error).

1. Their Personalities.

Instead of wholly laser-focusing on their infatuation with the MC for the whole game -whether in the main game or short stories-, i think it might be good if you also give the player some highlight into their personalities. It could make the player more engaged into the storyline even if it the short version ones, and could also make the characters more lively. What makes them, them?, What kind of a person they're out there?, How they genuinely interact with others?, etc. Even though i know the main game is about 'Yandere men taken interest in you', providing a glimpse of who they truly are as a person outside the infatuation would be great and appealing.

2. The CG.

I love the Damien CG in the main game ever since you changed it. But i personally dislike it when you didn't put anything in this one, and the other one (Apple for Teacher). I know both are simply short stories, but when you skip something crucial for a Visual Novel game, like CG, it leaves a bitter taste in the player's experience. CGs are crucial to emphasize equally crucial moments in Visual Novel, no matter if the plot is short or long -never forget this-. If you don't have the resource to or couldn't make a few of them, always try to, at least, make one. One CG is enough if you put them in good timing. And, just saying, hand-drawn is more preferable.

3. Pace/Length.

I noticed the pace, whether in the main game or in the short ones, is quite fast. Try to pace it more carefully so it doesn't resulting in short chapters (in the main game) or jarring execution (in short stories).

4. The Dynamic.

You're doing good with the dynamic between Ciel and MC -both in the main game and the side stories-, keep that up. But, with Damien... especially this one, feels a little bit uncomfortable. I don't know which or what part, but i feel like something about their Boss/Assistant dynamic is jarring to read. Not because his dark feelings for MC or something like that, no. It simply feels that way; Uncomfortable. Something is missing here.

5. The Warning(s).

You could add a little bit more specific warnings, since i saw a few players were quite upset with the content they got. For example, instead of listing only the major warnings that occurred throughout the game like Non-Con/Dub-Con, be more specific with it. In Ciel's route, for example, you can add 'Verbal Bullying', 'Verbal Degradation', 'Coercion', 'Mental Manipulation', and something else that represent his negative behavior to MC. And in Damien's route, you can add something more like 'Drug Use', 'Stalking', 'Controlling', etc and etc that represent his behavior/act to MC.

And.... yep. I think that's enough. Actually, i have a lot to say and have a few things i'd like to discuss with you, but.. since i don't know where to contact you where you active most, this will do for now.

Btw, overall, i enjoyed the main game and this one as well. I can't wait to see the main game complete! :).

The character custom already got me in a blink. Definitely watching this one.

I may be weird as heck, but-- i see Chucky, i download it, played it, and hope for more. Can't wait for the full version!

Just like everybody else here, i keep coming back because this game has a special place in my heart. Among other things, the ability to TRULY SHAPED MC's personality is always a big win for me, no question or doubt. I emphasize once more: to truly shaped. I love that the personality is really depending on the player's choice. The way you write feel very, for the lack of word, freeing to the player.

I try to find something close to this, but nothing ever compared to it. Even until now or before this existed.

The Art is also gorgeous! (Though, it'll be helpful if there's a Gallery Menu to see the CGs we collected). And The BGM choice for every scene is well-placed, too.

Anyway, i loved how protective Haron and Vadeyn could be. I also loved how affectionate and fussy over MC's well-being they are :). And then there's Duliae. He gave off this Dangerous and Alluring vibes that i couldn't resist 😂

Same here. I keep forgetting to save it to the disk and always lost my progress, argh, but the story is gripping and immersive so i don't mind starting all over again :')

Bro 😂

Please noted that my reply is not hostile here :) Just casual!

I think i get what you're trying to say.  As a Bisexual Woman (who is leaning more into Women), sometimes i get it; the frustration when playing through games that stated 'romance for everyone' but turned out, as you play, it simply.. didn't give off that vibe. There are a lot of games that focused on the Male ROs instead of the Female despite their games have the 'romance-for-everybody' undertone . Like, you just found a good story and expect you can romance the women ROs based on your orientation, but the vibes doesn't sit well with you. I get it...

But i'm not saying this story is wrong or you're wrong for stating that, no. Everyone has their own taste regarding stories, and every Authors can write what they want to write. And besides, the title of this game is 'The King's Hound' and the Author put the first line with "You are the King's Spouse". Surely the plot and the romance will be mostly focused on The King and us as the spouse? :') At least for a facade?. And i want to point it out that even if you're not into The King, you can romance the rest, and the rest of the ROs can be set into the genders you wanted them to be to.

My suggestion for you is maybe try to search and try to play the games that really clicked well with you? :') There are a lot of games with gripping and immersive plot and good romance sequence as well as this if you give them a try.

And maybe try to give this one a chance and wait it out, since it's still a few starting chapters here and in-progress :).

Fuuuh! Finally had the time to played and finished this game! T_T.

Spoiler- I guess?

Well, i didn't expect how it turned out in the final. And btw, the fact that we can have hostile relationship with the rival and they could still be romanced made me go ballistic (asdgjklddksjssjs). Like- the rival's personality made me torn between them and Domino and Zapper. In the entire of my gameplay, it was mostly my mind went 'Dang it go get a grip! You said you wanted to romance Domino or Zapper; WHY KEEP GOING BACK CHOOSING ThE RiVaL?!!'.

But thanks tho, hahaha. I enjoyed this a lot!. The drama and the conflict are surely more intense than the previous game, but it's nice. Like, really nice drama and problems; and not the kind where it's stomach-churning inducing to the point where i have to close the game. It's executed very smoothly and more than okay, and in fact, made me intrigued to finding out more.

Totally 11/10.

Love hunter and domino btw

I give some extra tips for Damian 😂👍. I should've known something would be wrong from the way he stared at us with some.. kind of depth 😂. The stay surely has been enjoyable, hahaha :).

I try to enjoy this as something to fill my free time, but nooo T_T. It made me sad T_T. This is Depressing, Bittersweet, but beautiful!

Same! I tried to prevent other characters die but yeah, ahaha T_T nooo. I'm still trying and re-playing tho. Looking through comment kinda helped as well.

I'm ready to have my soul snatched fully by this

I got that as well :')

Ciel is... surely an interesting character. I hate him just as strongly as i like him. I think he'll  be my favorite once the main YL game is complete. I mean, yes, he's very annoying and so stubborn, but, 

his passion and the fact that he's willing to go a long length to also made MC's academic goal as his, eventho it was for his own advantage,.. is still interesting to see.

Okay, this game is somehow adorable to me. I love this and looking forward to see the next update until this is completed! :). Btw, the blonde one remind me of a mix between Jay (Lookism) and Inumaki (JJK), can't wait to see more of it!.

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Aaand the butler is more of my taste T_T.

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I'm sorry- i smiled a lot played this one. As AOT fan since the manga released, this is so cute and funny, and definitely healed me a little  :). I'll make sure to watch this one though, in case you're planning to add more routes :D

The fact that this one make me think this is a chill game.... gosh. I actually have to check the tag for more than once to see if this is really in the 'Yandere' tag, and wow... The concept is intriguing. I can't wait for the full release (if you have plan for it, of course :)). Take your time, developer!

OMG, Yes! I'm wondering about this as well T_T

I need this, thanks!

Everytime i re-played to get the rest of the endings, mc's expressions always got me xD. And why did you made him hot like-- i'm questioning my morale here xD. Anyway, i enjoyed this a lot :)

I've seen the original book, but i think i like the Visual novel version better. It feels like the full Thriller conversion :).

(Spoiler Below)

But, i simply don’t like the MC in both versions. They gave me this 'unstable and switchy' vibes since the start, and i noticed They always lost their consistency when executing their plans. They want to gain their trusts, but insulted them right after being compliant. I actually expecting the calculated and can-hide-emotions-well type of MC in that one, so the escape ending would feel satisfying, but well...

That aside, i actually love all the boys -including Hiroko and Kenzan-. I think most of the guys turned messed up like that because of their childhood memories. The most heartbreaking individual is Alex, to be honest. He's not loved by his mom, and.. she's a sadist when it comes to Alex. Sorry not sorry, but i kinda blame the mom for Alex's behavior 😂.

And last, the most lovable thing in this is everyone has realistic personalities here. Even Mc is not 'fully angelic' and did something bad in their past. And the boys, though Yandere, they simply wouldn't resort to violence if the mc not violent too. Also the Twins, they're good people at heart, but when they romantically attracted to someone... my goodness. But this is what hooked me with this VN the most :D.

This is simply straight up flaming and hatreds. Next time, educate yourself with 'how to constructively criticizing someone'. Besides, this is roughly a demo. Raw concept, i'd say.

Derek, though. I have to take a break every once in a while while played his route, dang. Btw, i love celia's one; personally, i think she's a little bit sweeter than the other two :).

And Machete snatched my interest somehow, haha. Would love to see a dlc for machete if possible tho. No pressure of course, because already loved it the way it is.

I don't know when the last time i leave a comment for vn in this website, but this one got me to pick my hands up and type as soon as i'm done with the gameplay.

[Kinda Spoiler-ish, i guess]

First of all, HEY, i absolutely didn't expect the JuMpScAre. Like- dang, author, you got me good. Played this At Two in the morning, Alone, and man... Love the surprise.

Second, i love how sweet and... questionable (haha) Riker's true feelings is. Really, that guy confuse me sometimes and made me think between 'Aw Ri, Poor MC, don't do that' and 'Just Do MC pls-'. Overall, His characterization is good.

Third, a little suggestion, Author: i'd love to see the MC has several options when Riker decides to... ahem, 'jump on them', i guess? (Typed this made me so awkward argh). Like- maybe we can choose whether we can get the upper-hand or let him get it?. In case some players want to.. dominate the guy and the other just simply want the guy as the dom to them. Though, i'm more of a somewhere in between and would love to see you add a 'switch' trait... if that makes sense. But of course it's up to you what to do with your game and all, i'm just simply giving idea hehe. Don't take it seriously :), feel free to steer the plot to where you want to!.

And last, yes, i love this one a lot! It's been long i've found something like this where the yandere is somewhere between 'Almost Psychopath' and somewhat 'Subtle Yandere'. Not too violent, but not too soft either, love it. And btw, the music when the background changed to red fit Riker so good~ Dare i say, it gave Sensual vibe to him.

And sorry if this too long to read for you!