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A member registered Jan 07, 2023

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The hate you show is disgusting. Get some therapy, you sad sack.

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I'm a fan of Derrick for sure. The update was delicious. 

At first I was bummed at how things went but at the same time I have to give Derrick kudos. It was a somewhat realistic reaction to the situation but he left the door open so to speak. I look forward to seeing how things progress. 

Thanks for the update on the progress, I look forward to reading the next chapter! Take your time of course. Quick updates like this, letting us know things are in the works is perfect. 

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I checked the discord server and the last update from the author was January 21, 2024 stating they were going on a "brief" hiatus due to life stuff. (which is fine of course) They said then that they weren't abandoning the VN but there hasn't been any updates since.  

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They noted above that its on hiatus and plan to start working on it again eventually. It's been over a year since the patreon was updated but it looks like the author is potentially busy with their personal life. 

Yikes you need to go get some therapy. There's nothing wrong with someone being non-binary. 

Yes, from the beginning of the story. 

I second this, there have been many times where I check all the socials/patreon for VN updates and can't find a crumb of info. Like yeah I get VN's are hard and take a lot of time but just a quick, "hey I'm still working on this" at least every few months makes a huge difference. I'll keep patient and just check again later. 

I've seen some go a year without any updates and it just kills any interest. I mean there was an extreme example where an author for a different VN didn't update in over a year and it turned out they were in a war-torn country and likely loss internet access. Obviously they were focused on living. 

Pretty much I'm just saying short, quick updates are much appreciated. It's all too common that VNs go on indefinite hiatus and I don't want to assume that. (those situations suck but are completely valid)

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Hi, fan of the game but I noticed an error/bug while playing the PC version. (this was after redownloading the VN & starting from the beginning just to be sure) **Potential spoiler** so everyone else don't view the rest.....

So in the flashback scene of Owen going back to school and meeting up with Andrew, I noticed that Andrew's sprite has another set of ears over lapping near his mouth. I wasn't sure where to report this, so I just wanted to post it here. Love the game, keep up the good work!

An opinion is just that, an opinion. So in my opinion, you have the wrong opinion. Doesn't change the fact that AI tools steal from artists. Seems you support theft. 

The patreon hasn't been updated since July 2023 (before the last build), the twitter profiles of the artist and programmer don't make any mention of the VN, and worst of all the VN twitter page meant for updates has been suspended. Suffice it to say, this is likely a dead VN. 

So you're saying you've made a "mistake" as grave as grooming minors? I understand second chances but that minor doesn't have a second chance at having a normal childhood because someone without morals violated them. 

Naw, too much proof that he groomed minors. No thanks. 

Thanks for the reply, I hope everything is ok. Sorry if I came across as pushy. I'm more than happy to wait for good VNs like yours!

I can have an opinion, I don't like AI period. Non-funded or funded doesn't matter to me. I'll agree to disagree, but don't disparage my opinion for no good reason. 

Please look a few comments down. The creator lives in Ukraine, just hope they're safe. Nuff said.

Yeah I even checked their socials and there hasn't been any posts related to this VN since late May. T_T

Sounds like a you problem if you can't afford it. Literally you could not buy one small thing once and have enough money. The creator has bills too and it costs money to make visual novels as well. (their time at minimum is a cost) Please never post a comment like this again, its super selfish and entitled. 

Just a heads up. I checked the patreon and the last update was about artwork for a new character (side character I'm assuming?) and that was January 2nd 2024. The discord link isn't valid so I wasn't sure if anyone knew if there were any more recent updates. I really like this VN but it's been over a year since the last update. I hope everything is ok. 

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Yikes it's been over a year since the last hiatus update. I get things got super difficult losing the programmer and you had to learn coding but I wish rehashing the story had been put off to a later time. Seem like a "too much on their plate" situation when lessening the load may have been a better play. Either way I hope all goes well. 

Yikes, I didn't even need to see the description to know this is AI generated yuckiness. I get not everyone is an artist but that's why so many projects have a separate artist and writer/programmer. I'll be passing on this. 

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I love the VN so far. The characters are interesting and I like a more in depth look at the terror of suddenly finding yourself away from home and how that would psychologically affect someone. Rhoun is my fave so far. I'll definitely be following this VN closely. 

**Potential SPOILERS below**

I guess the only thing I'm frustrated over is once they had the language AI, why didn't he ask them for the basic structure of their alphabet so he could learn to read their language? I mean yeah his texts in his monitor translate messages back and forth but being able to read station signs so he can properly navigate would be a huge boon in feeling more independent. He even could have said something like "write down the word water," and he could write it in english and begin to sparce together what each letter of their language equivalent in english could have been.

I'm likely overthinking this. I understand its probably plot related to not have this taken care of sooner or maybe this is resolved later on since so much is going on. 

I just finished this after following it for quite some time. This was one of the most satisfying reads I've had in a while. Without spoiling anything, the near end was bittersweet and got me tearing up. T_T  The writing was chef's kiss. Very few VN relationships have me rooting for them as much as these two. The character development was something I haven't seen in many VNs on here. The love interest's personality shined through to me. He was a rare type of person that you genuinely wish nothing but the best for. It had some tropes without being annoying, more like just a sprinkling to add some spice to the side characters. The fact that this is a finished VN alone makes it a HUGE accomplishment in my eyes.

Do I recommend? Yes, a thousand times yes. This is a 10/10 must read. The only thing that bums me out is its not a super long read, like 10ish hours but it honestly works regardless because by the end you feel for a lot of the characters. (I don't usually advocate this but the author has a pateron if you want to support their future projects. Do so if you're able and/or RATE the VN!)

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I would love to see what sh!t VN you try to make. A huge majority of the VNs on this site are passion projects. If you're so bent out of shape, how about you get off your ass, go to steam, and I don't know; freaking pay for a complete VN if it matters to you so much. If you truly cared about a VN being made by an up and coming creator you'd understand that life doesn't stop for them just because they make VN as a passion project. Sometimes they need to focus on life (like school, their job, or a family which I imagine you have none of with the way you talk). It's pretty normal for some VN creators to go on haitus for those reasons, they might fall out of love for the project, or find that reworks didn't pan out. This is being made by an individual in concert with a small group of artists, a composer, and some people helping with programming etc. Not a full on company, so things can happen. Also it is normal practice for VN creators on here to request DONATIONS via patreon and other sites to help pay for those that assist with the VN and in exchange they get early access to updates while public access is a month later usually. The money does go into the VN but it doesn't always guarantee completion. Again go to steam and PAY for complete VNs if it matters to you so much. Your lack of common sense and money (you broke a55 loser) yet abundance of entitlement is astounding. 

Certainly caught my interest. I hope this gets expanded into a full VN in the near future. 

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Ok so I'm not a fan of "horror" VNs but I kept seeing this one brought up all the time. So I finally bit the bullet and just finished all of the routes up to what's available. No joke this is EASILY one of the best made VNs I've read to date. So if you can get past the horror aspects, it's pretty much perfection. Yes there's heavy themes throughout but it really lends itself to making the characters more believable. 

There's a complex, well written story line; unique characters with fleshed out personalities, well orchestrated sound track, and the artwork is sublime; like serious chef's kiss. It's easy to see that a LOT of work is going into this VN and I definitely want to support it when I can. I'm chomping at the bit for more so I'm looking into supporting via Patreon so I can get that sweet early access. Again I cannot recommend this VN enough, I would compare this to something made at a full-fledged studio. They obviously have an AMAZING group working on this.  

Is there a way to make absolutely sure certain kinks are skipped like a menu to toggle certain ones off? I'm curious about how things will go but worried certain kinks can be triggering for some. I know this is just a demo but I like the characters so far. 

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Wow I got lucky and happened upon this last night when the second update dropped. I read the first drop ages ago and loved it. This update made me love the series even more, its off to a great start. It feels almost unheard of to see animations (besides maybe blinking in other VNs) so that easily took this up to a new level for me. I'll be eagerly awaiting the next update, great work! (Everyone don't forget to rate this VN and follow Drakita Project so we can get more eyes on this!)

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***SPOILERS BELOW!!!*** Regarding side character in Bryan's route. 

Kane is easily my favorite side character! He breaks the stereotype of what you'd expect a typical frat guy to be. Seems athletic yet is into video games, nice taste in music, and really kind. 

I honestly was really bummed with how the MC reacted to his confession. Like I get him being conflicted with Bryan but he has this great guy that spends time with him, looks for common interests, and genuinely like him. Like when the MC "reciprocated" being asked on a date, it felt a bit hollow but again it's completely understandably. 

It's obvious Bryan previously fell for someone but it turned out the other guy only wanted Bryan for sex. So to protect himself from rejection or similar pain he decides to only do hookups from then on. He's got feelings for the MC but pushes away with the FWB situation. Then Kane this sweet, adorable "good boi" comes into the picture and now I'm conflicted. I kinda want the MC to pursue Kane instead since it seems like what the MC truly wants; something more than a surface level connection as Karina somewhat mentions. 

Overall LOVE this VN and hope if there's an option to make a Kane route in the future cause I'm kinda worried I'll be upset if the MC breaks his heart. I know it's likely not gonna happen but I wanna at least put it out there. Thanks again for this great VN, I look forward to build 40!