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A member registered Nov 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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didn't get on my laptop today until just now, so i completely forgot about this! in any case, this was the mc's original design while i was first planning this out over a year ago lol

this was her first variation and i didnt draw a second one unlike the love interests because i was having a lot of trouble with the design at the time and then completely forgot about it because of personal things lol

she was originally supposed to have just two versions, but i decided to add a third neutral path for player choice. if you like anything about these designs more than her more current design, please let me know! it wont be an issue to make changes since everything is just concept art right now :)

this redesign wasnt the first either, as I've been planning this game for a while. I've also redesigned the playable character once, heres what they originally looked like

i didnt have names for them at this point because i was just coming up with the idea, and i didnt know when i would have made it at the time. 

I'll post the original mc design under her respective reply lol

thank you so much! ^^

to make them more unique and appealing to players! i wanted to make the options more diverse than it originally was, which was just a couple of japanese guys lol

but yeah, basically to just make them different from each other :)

last art update I'll be posting here! here's the concept designs for the mc's friends depending on the major you pick!

here are the options of customization for the mc, these are just sketches lol

there are going to be three different versions of the mc and whichever one you pick will make slight differences to the story and how kabir and akemi interact with you. ive also already implemented hiding the mc's picture in the settings if you want to play self insert rather than a character with a set appearance.

alright, it's been a hot minute since i last updated here lol

there's been a lot happening for me so i haven't been able to work on this, but i did draw better concept art and coloured it for these two. I'm changing kei to kabir and instead of being japanese, he'll be indian. Akemi is staying the same, but there's been a little bit of redesign for both.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the game! Your feedback means so much and it's actually the highest honor!! Thank you so much!!

This game is going to be a little different from my previous two games. Not only will the romance options be men, but there will also be two options. The game will take place during college and you will need to romance one of the two romance options by the deadline- aka the end of the term. This game won't be free, but I'm planning on still making it very cheap. You'll be given two different designs  for the mc to choose from and there will be a plethora of choices throughout the game that will change your experience. I hope everyone is looking forward to it!

Here is a sneak peak of the two romance options as their current sketch versions.

I'm not sure which song you're referring to, but I used all royalty free music from the Youtube studio audio library!

The songs I used in the game are:

  • Faultlines by Asher Fulero
  • Glimpsing Infinity by Asher Fulero
  • Sinister Cathedral by Asher Fulero
  • Slow Sneak Up by Godmode
  • Spirit of the Dead by Aakash Gandhi
  • Voices by Patrick Patrikios

I hope this is helpful for you and I'm so glad you enjoyed the game! Thank you for playing!

Thank you so much!!!!! That's so nice ;;;;;

Thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and i love your username ;;

of course! you need get three checks with Lala, which correspond with three dialogue choices during the charades section of the game.

the first one is when Lala is suggesting you play charades with her. you need to select:

 "I'm not really good at charades... are you sure I'll even be of help?"

the next option is later on, during the actual game of charades. it'll be the second round, while she's doing the balancing act. you'll need to select the dialogue option:

"Balancing on a ball for a performance."

and the third option is during the third round. Lala is brushing her teeth, but youll need to get the answer wrong again. for this round you'll need to select the option:

"Eating something she had to cut up, like steak or something."

these are the only options that matter when getting the good end as long as your affection isn't completely full or empty!

let me know if you have any more questions! I'm sorry i made it so difficult to get the good end

there are four total endings! two bad, one neutral, and one good! the good ending is a little difficult to get, since it takes giving specific responses. would you like me to tell you which responses you need to give to get it? its three answers during the charades part of the story!

thank you for playing the game as well! i hope you enjoyed it ;;

thank you so much for the video and enjoying my game!! im so glad you liked it 

of course!! its a bit difficult, im sorry ;;

there are three conditions that need to be met to get the good end! the first one is when lala is asking you to do charades. if you tell her you arent too good at them, youll meet the first conditon. 

next, its during the second charades round, instead of giving the correct answer, you need to guess that shes balancing on a ball. 

and the final condition is the third charades round, you need to get the answer wrong and guess that shes cutting something up and eating it!

each condition was supposed to teach you more about lala, but its a bit difficult to get it organically, so i apologize for that ;;

i hope its worth it in the end and you enjoyed the game! thank you for playing!! 

im so glad you enjoyed it! thank you for playing my game and for the video as well! i really appreciate it!!

Thank you so much for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the game and I'll definitely take the feedback into account. I had a bit of an issue finding music that was on theme and fit the situation, so I hope it was overall not too bad. I'll try to take more time in the future on the music and sound design!

I was actually going to include the future Lala sprite in the good end but decided to draw a cg of her instead.  If I had included more dialogue in the good end, I would have used the sprite, but in the end, I couldn't come up with any more story that would be meaningful for what had already been told. So I thought it to be better to just include the cg of her in the future without any dialogue!

Again, I'm so very glad you enjoyed it and took the time to comment as well! Thank you for playing my game ;;

Hi everyone! I finished my new game called The Broken Lolipop! It's a visual novel/dating sim game with psychological horror elements and it features a clown character named Lolipop Lala! Her neutral sprite is shown below.Lala's neutral sprite

Lala is a sad clown who has been through hardships and feels like she has no place in the world. When you stumble upon her while lost, you have the opportunity to learn more about her all while playing games with her! Lala may be sad, but she tries her best to be happy for those around her. Sometimes, though, things can be too much, so take careful care to be nice to Lala or something bad might happen! 

This is a video showing off the early version of the game's development, but specifically Lala's blinking. In the finished (now uploaded) version, Lala's sprites are rendered, some of the UI looks different, and there are backgrounds.

There are yandere elements in this game, so please be aware of this. Lala's sprites are also animated and there are some lightly animated cgs. Even if you aren't crazy about clowns, please don't be turned away from this game, Lala may be a clown herself, but it isn't a major theme of the game. 

I hope you consider checking it out and thank you for reading my ramblings!

I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I was worried the good ending would be too difficult to figure out how to get, but I'm happy you figured it out! Thank you so so much for playing my game and telling me your thoughts! It means so much to me!

I know I said within the week, but I ended up getting super sick for a couple of days and I've been really busy with other personal stuff (like holidays and stuff), but I PROMISE I'll be finally uploading this game in a day or two. It's super duper close to being done, I just need to write one more ending and then play test it and it'll be done! Please bare with me for a little while longer! ;;;

yeah! i wanted to leave them up to interpretation a bit, but that was the overall idea. I'm so happy you enjoyed the ndings as well and thank you so much for playing my game and leaving some feed back ;;;

it means the world to me!! ^^

i hadnt thought about a sequel! i might make one when im done with the game im currently making ;)

im so glad youre enjoying it and thank you for the great suggestion!! :)

I'm so happy you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for the feedback too! The video looks great :)

Thank you for playing my game!! 

Sneak peak of the video in the title screen! 

Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it and decided to play it!! I'm glad you liked the designs too ;;;;

Here's more art of Leanan! I posted it on twitter as well ;)

thank you so much!! im so glad you liked it! thank you for the video on it as well!!!! ^^

This is a short visual novel style dating sim with only one love interest. It's horror themed because it was originally meant for Halloween!

It's a quick play and I hope you check it out!

Below is the link to the game and some information about the main character, Leanan! Let me know if you want to see or know more :)

Leanan's concept art

What I had sketched out when first planning this game for the main character. Her overall design stayed the same, I just changed her dress.
Leanan's in-game neutral sprite
This is how Leanan - the main character- ended up turning out in the final version of the game. This is just her neutral sprite, similar to the sprite I sketched out in the concept art.