Estoy estudiando la posibilidad de añadir traducciones automáticas que no son las mejores, pero son mejores que nada.
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Glad you’re enjoying it. Many people were requesting android versions and unofficial ports started popping up. I decided to just make my own port knowing the UI wasn’t built for android and would have some small elements that would be hard to read or use.
The UI that’s currently in game for all versions is only a temporary UI until I commission an artist to create UI elements for me in a future update. When that happens, I’ll be building a separate UI for android users that will be more mobile friendly.
Didn’t really want to weigh in here, but I believe back when I created this fluid sim I didn’t want the fluid colliding with Lily’s fingers. To get that trajectory, I had to lower the origin of the fluid. I also had to pull it away from her body. It wasn’t a big deal back then because I didn’t have a close up camera, and only in this most recent update did the closeup become full resolution. All fluid sims since then just allow collisions with characters and fluids look like they’re coming from the urethra.
Which version are you playing? All versions should be retaining saved data. If you’re playing the web version in a private window, saves will not be retained and you’ll need to export and import them as your cache gets deleted when closing the browser. I’d highly recommend exporting saves when playing the web version anyway.
The web version has seen some considerable enhancements and should run much smoother. Thanks for bearing with me while I worked to improve it.
I’ve also added an experimental android version, though I don’t have any android devices so I was only able to test it with an emulator. The UI remains unchanged, so it’s not recommended to play it on a phone as the UI elements will be too small and frustrating to work with.
I’ve thought about it. It might be something I add in the distant future, perhaps even when the game is fully completed. The issue is I use a lot of custom UI elements so I’d have to scale all of those up, rewrite the code for them, and even then it may not work well for phones. For tablets it would probably be fine though.