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A member registered Nov 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Estoy estudiando la posibilidad de añadir traducciones automáticas que no son las mejores, pero son mejores que nada.

Thanks! I’ve been trying to write a fun but also realistic story and so far I’ve been happy with how it’s turned out.

Glad you’re enjoying it. Many people were requesting android versions and unofficial ports started popping up. I decided to just make my own port knowing the UI wasn’t built for android and would have some small elements that would be hard to read or use.

The UI that’s currently in game for all versions is only a temporary UI until I commission an artist to create UI elements for me in a future update. When that happens, I’ll be building a separate UI for android users that will be more mobile friendly.

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Didn’t really want to weigh in here, but I believe back when I created this fluid sim I didn’t want the fluid colliding with Lily’s fingers. To get that trajectory, I had to lower the origin of the fluid. I also had to pull it away from her body. It wasn’t a big deal back then because I didn’t have a close up camera, and only in this most recent update did the closeup become full resolution. All fluid sims since then just allow collisions with characters and fluids look like they’re coming from the urethra.

I’ll be putting a public development update out this Sunday that will go over the major sandbox changes and when to expect the next release, so keep an eye out for it! :D

Thanks for the kind words and I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

That’s part of the plan. The entire UI is really just temporary anyway, but I plan on creating a separate UI for android versions in the future. Right now it’s best played on tablets for that reason, but even that may be a bit small.

Glad you’re enjoying it! I’ll be working hard, as usual, to get the next version out.

The game doesn’t check to see if you’re up to date since it doesn’t connect to the internet. You need to extract the new files from the v0.4.25 zip folder and run the game from those new files.

I release new public versions when I’ve completed the next supporter version. The holidays are coming so this release will probably have a slightly longer cycle, maybe around 2 months from now?

When you open the game, what version does it say you have in the top right corner?

Does that zip file say 0.4a or 0.4.25?

Which version are you playing? All versions should be retaining saved data. If you’re playing the web version in a private window, saves will not be retained and you’ll need to export and import them as your cache gets deleted when closing the browser. I’d highly recommend exporting saves when playing the web version anyway.

I’m working on it. I’ve got a lot of content to add and more foot fetish content is on that list.

Probably not, as it would actually require rendering all of her scenes and variations just to do that, which is a lot of time, effort, and system resources.

Only English so far, though I may experiment with some machine translations in other languages in the near future.

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The web version has seen some considerable enhancements and should run much smoother. Thanks for bearing with me while I worked to improve it.

I’ve also added an experimental android version, though I don’t have any android devices so I was only able to test it with an emulator. The UI remains unchanged, so it’s not recommended to play it on a phone as the UI elements will be too small and frustrating to work with.

No pregnancy just yet, but it’s possible further on in the story. Fetish content is femdom, urination (can be disabled), pegging (can be disabled), voyeurism, exhibitionism, and feet.

More will certainly be added in the future!

As you progress the girl’s stats and increase the level of perks, the pleasure bar will become more manageable. As for starting the working girl events, you can find hints by hovering over the event in the character menu.

I release the public version once I’ve finished and released the latest supporter version, so the public version is always one build behind supporters. Right now my development cycle is around 5-6 weeks between each update.

I’m looking at making an official android version soon, but it certainly would only run well on tablets. Phone versions would need custom sized UI elements that I’m not going to prioritize for now.

Here’s a list of planned tags: Bdsm, Bukkake, Exhibitionism, Male Domination, Milf, Pregnancy, Spanking, Swinging, Virgin

Pregnancy is on the list, though it’ll probably be a while before I get to the point where I’m adding it to the game.

While in game, hit escape or right click and go to the preferences tab. You’ll see an option that says tutorial. Click on enabled and you’ll have enabled the tutorial for the next time you play the minigame.

I’ve thought about it. It might be something I add in the distant future, perhaps even when the game is fully completed. The issue is I use a lot of custom UI elements so I’d have to scale all of those up, rewrite the code for them, and even then it may not work well for phones. For tablets it would probably be fine though.

Glad you got it figured out and are enjoying it!

It’s probably referring to a different girl, maybe Claire? You can also check hints for events by hovering over the event in the character menu. You can switch between girls with the arrow buttons in the character menu.

No, there is no lesbian only path. There’s a lot of lesbian content but the guy on girl is unavoidable.

Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it!