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A member registered May 31, 2018

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Thank you for making this game! It was quite fun to play and Micah was very adorable and precious.

I was kinda confused at the beginning though because I somehow managed to achieve the secret ending on my first playthrough without any guide??? Like what- why am I marrying this dude all of a sudden- that was kinda funny LMAO 

Xyx is soo freaking hot man the wait is very very worth it<3 I like like him a lot but what do he really do anyways? o.o Lawyer?

aww you can look at the guidess


aaakk seru tapi aku nub banget mainnya


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I just finished Castor’s sweet route after getting free copy, thank you so much!

Castor is a sweetheart, I would love to see more of him... I’m still kinda scared to play sinister route though aha- I feel annoyed at the ‘MC’ sometimes for being mean but I feel called out too because sometimes there’s just that one character you don’t really like but gotta play to get all endings.. ahahahah please don’t became reality and kill me irl ^^”

On another note, gosh I feel genuinely scared of Castor like... especially the glitch scene, it was so creepy.... and my laptop turned off at that moment too so extra creepiness😳 

Thank you so much for making this game, and your other games too that turns out I’ve played before hahah, you’re truly good at making yanderes. I’ll try my best to support you so that I can finally see the full game<3 Best of luck!

omg thank you so much!!! i'll dm you in an instant and i'll write review too after it ehehehhe 

aww i just found out this game..... i like yandere games a lot too ;;-;; too bad the free one has ran out...... maybe in another life

I found Solis cute with the way he blushes easily... But i can't lie some aspect of his personality is my personal pet peeves so I don't love him that much, though he did redeem himself in the end so it's alright ahaha, if i rank them it would be Sekheo, Val, Solis respectively. 

Thank you for answering my curiosity! Well I'm glad that they seem able to communicate or else they would be veeery lonely for centuries :"

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Just finished the game!! I really love it, I even cried at the end because of... it was angsty wahhh there are lots I want to comment on but it might be spoiler:( The sprites and art in the true end is gorgeous, they look like Greek God and Goddess in the end ahaha

On another note, the whole game really made me step out of my comfort zone by abandoning my 'stranger danger' principle and blindly trust the 'totally not suspicious dude who came out of nowhere in a suspicious abandoned mansion', yeah. There are lots instances where I just want to doubt Dei because DUUDEE if it's in real life you won't really be able to trust someone in that kind of situation, if you value your life. But it is a fiction, so I'll risk Delphine's life.

Fellow sufferers! Ahaha thank you so much

Ahhh I must’ve missed that, thank you so much!

I'm currently trying to play the game but somehow I'm stuck in the first bloody kitchen place... I've already clicked three objects (wall, pan, box), there's nothing else that I can click but I can't seem to get out of it... I'm literally clicking every objects but nothing happened, please help ;-;

Thanks for the walkthrough!

Fun fact: i got good ending in nightowl's route without choosing "Hmm... I guess Damien did do the right thing?" and I don't really choose Damien answer overall, I guess as long as you got most of the answer right??? (and some crucial parts)

Just finished the game! Thankfully I got all perfect end without walkthrough ahaha

The concept of this game is very interesting, albeit it has a sad undertone overall with them having so little time with each other, but it makes the little time even more precious :) I like Sekheo's route the most, it was so angsty ugh but I felt so bad for Solis though so I immediately played Solis' afterwards haha.

Though I had a bug where Iluna's clothing is gone in Sekheo's route though and I just... covered her with my hand while screaming "WOMAN!! where is your clothes??!" It was definitely a lol moment 

I have a question though... Are they able to converse with each other when they're in their real bodies (sun, moon, meteor)??? o.o been wondering for awhile how it works now

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I just finished nightowl's route, he's so cute!! Honestly the dialogues are soo realistic and it feels like I'm in a real discord server ahaha, the butterflies I get from flirting through 'chat' is veery real too, even the anger and upset emotion I got from reading the  chat... it reminds me of the old days when I used to flirt around with boys in discord aha

Anyways, it's a very nice game, the songs, the voice actors, the lines, all of it! I'll come back when I finish all the routes! Thank you so much for making this game! 

Edit: Just finished quest!! Omg he's such a gentleman and soo dreamy in his route- he seems like a normal nice dude in owl's route but in his own route he's just- wow. I love him.

Edit 1: FINISHED IT ALL! But I missed one picture somehow... And whoa Toasty is such a sweetheart... He's so cute ;; It's really hard to pick but Toasty is really winning me over with his quirk, jokes, long hair and his veery nice voice...... 

End note: It's a REALLY GREAT game! I would definitely play it again one day, there are a few things that I would like to ask and discuss too but I'm afraid it might be a spoiler..? Idk how to put a spoiler here...

Ooooh that's good then, I shall wait more patiently~

Aww will this ever be released in Steam? I've been waiting for years but I don't have credit card to buy in itch io ;;w;; Congrats on release though batensan~ Been following since Ciel:D

gasps how dare they ask for money after all their hard work for years!

Congratulations on the release, I’ve been counting days until I can play the game and it’s sad to know that I still can’t play it now I don’t have credit card and have to wait for Steam release. I shall wait even more patiently now.


Ah I'm glad if my comment can make you even a tiinyy little bit happy ahaha. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my very long comment with an equally long comment! :3 Yess, there are lots mysteries that I suspect (?) about but I need confirmation for my theories and I'm hoping I can find out about it in remake haha, have a great day miss karamelow! :D

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I just finished the game and I really want to say that... 


I'm absolutely in love with all the routes and characters! Their characterization?? Marvelous! Their sprites? Gorgeous! I saw the old art of this game and I'm glad you went through with the current art because it's just... really nice? Like they all look fluffy and cute but actually the story plots are quite heavy but but that's just the beauty in it ;;-;; I'm sorry I'm not making any sense but I just absolutely love it all.

Big shoutout to the amazing opening too, I really love the song, wish I could listen it on spotify or download it?? It sounds like legit anime opening to me, which is so rare because most, if not all otome games I played have really bad opening songs. Thak you for that. Made me fell even more in love with the game.

Now on to the characters and routes. From the beginning I was very interested in Haru and was about to play his route first, but I ended up following the recommended playing sequence and I must say that I'm very glad that I did that. I intensely dislike Ikki and Toshio first, especially Toshio. But after playing their routes I was pleasently surprised and ended up falling in love with them both. I was a little bit too excited with Toshi's weird um fetish ahaha oops sorry might just discovered that I might be a S... But yea! Haru's route didn't disappoint me at all I love him a lot but the turning point that made me love the game even more is Ryu's route. He's so precious I wanna hug him and squeeze him so baddddd like oh my god PRECIOUS. His ending had me screaming "NOOO I WANT MORE". The other side characters are well-written, too, I love Ichigo. AND OUR GIRL AYA!! I love how you write them and I love how strong she is and just.. how amazing she is ahhh.

Story-wise there are still some parts that are still a mystery to me... I hope I'll learn about it later or maybe I missed some parts and gotta reply hmm...

In conclusion my three fav are Ryu, Haru, and Toshi with Ryu as number 1 yay! It's not like I dislike the other guys, but they are just.. my fav you know? Gotta have favoritism in this world ahaha. Well I apologize that this comment is surprisingly quite long haha idk wether u have time to read it or not but I'm happy if you read it because I'm so thankful to you for making this game! Have a great day and good luck with your incoming projects and life! :)

thank you so much! i'll try downloading it again:)

This looks really interesting and I really really want to play it because I like yandere charas... But unfortunately can't because my windows is 32bit... Thank you anyways for making this game, best luck to you!<3

they're all blondes criess maia really likes blonde i can't

I really, really, really want to play this game sighs ;;-;; but my laptop won't launch the game so I can't huaaaaaa hopefully I can play this game one day because I love Halloween Otome. Best luck to you!

I really, really love this game and YOU, yes, you, SweetChiel, the developer.

I'm so proud, glad and happy that I can finally play otome game that has an Indonesian theme! I love the way you introduce our exotic animal (Reksha *cough*), traditional clothes and even our language, too.

The story itself is also very interesting and all the characters are well-developed, my fav is the cutie Reksha my bby //w// 

I'm looking forward to your next projects, especially the Bermuda Triangle. I wish you the best luck, and sorry that I can't really put a thorough review because it has been a long time since I played this game uwu

Anyways, semangat mbak sweetchiel! :3

This, is hands down my favorite otome game.

I really, really love how every routes has their own unique story and doesn't only copy paste. I really adore all the characters, they are all so precious and I especially admire Lucette and her character growth throughout all the routes. The art is really stunning and the plot is just worth playing over and over again. I'll never get bored.

I really admire how, despite this game being free-to-play it feels like an expensive commercial game. I thank you so much for making this game and I'm terribly sorry for not being able to pay because I'm still a student that lives in a country that doesn't allow students to work so, yeah...

I'm looking forward to your next games and hopefully I can buy it with my own money next time. Cheers!