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A member registered Apr 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Pro tip: if your opponent has a better weapon than yours  or you have a low hp, simply just circle around a building or a tree until their ammo runs out. 
(it wasn't fully helpful but it helps you win the game too)

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Nahh i don't think so.
It's just abunch of ai opponents running around.

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And i would like to make a suggestion.
If you can, can you please remake Team fortress 2 but in pico-8? that would be really fun. This game is one of my favorites btw.

well after all the progress i made and all the fails i did in glitch's level i just skipped it. it was a big help actually.

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Found it! Thanks

:)) Btw it's a really cool game. And im impressed that this thing would work on pico-8.

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is there a sequel to this game?

i would love this game more if it has a sequel. :)

uhhhh im stuck on the hangar level and it says the door is locked pls help me :(

It could work as a real survival game but it needs some improvement like: swords, bows, monsters (zombies duh) and it needs to have that "survival game theme" and day and night cycle of course. And the map needs to be big aswell, i mean you can go to the map borderline then a map would appear and you can select a destination like caves, dungeons, village, mountains, etc. and it really is fun even though it's still in beta. 

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ok uhhh yeah when i die it just resets all my progress and that sucks actually. I would love this game if it has a "respawn feature". and yeah i found a bug that when you have 2 chests then you try to carry the other chest, the other, other chest will disappear.

btw it's a cool game it really has that "minicraft" theme.