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A member registered Feb 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! This was made in Unity

Hey, thanks for checking out our game and providing us with some good feedback! 

We got a little carried away with our story and worldbuilding because we were having so much fun with it. In turn we found we didn't spend enough time on tutorials and playtesting. 


If you want to give it another go the lumberjack can break the log blocking the river and fix the hole in the bridge.   

Glad you liked it! The score at the end is like a golf handicap where lower is better, so your second run was quite good

We initially planned the game to be more of a roguelike where you could learn enemy movement patterns and would get further every time you played because you would require fewer "controls" to reach the exit. Due to time constraints we ended up publishing something that's more like a tech demo with some general enemy and level ideas but little coherence between them, so I can totally see where you're coming from. Thanks for playing and leaving a comment!

Thanks for checking out our game, and thanks for the feedback!

I see how that level can be confusing. The stairs are always the end goal and the bricks are just there to make the level a bit smaller. The doorway on the right side of the level is purely decorative but we didn't pay enough attention to color use there. 

Thanks for playing, glad you liked it!

Thank you so much for your review Liam!

Hey, glad you liked it! Local multiplayer was definitely in the back of our minds while making this, so maybe we'll add it later!

I'm very glad you liked it so much! 

A score of 0 is actually very good. It's relative to the par for each course, so lower is better and it means you made every hole within the amount of strokes I set for it (on average). You could even try to go below 0 if you really wanted to show off 😁

Wow! Thank you for that review. Glad you liked it! :)

Amazingly creative idea! Really great take on the theme, and looks very polished.

The narration is very good but sadly didn't seem to be completely in sync with the gameplay. I eventually got stuck when I entered the house where I couldn't suck up any more words, even after trying multiple times. Had some good fun up to that point. Nice job! 

That's a pretty good score! The board not falling down was indeed a bug with the way I implemented colliders for those levels, but I did not have time to fix it. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for your kind feedback! That moment of surprise was exactly what I was aiming for by hiding the aim indicator on the first shot. I'm really glad it worked :D

I'd love to make more levels with the mechanics, and combine them in more creative ways. Right now this is just a small selection of all the ideas I had while jamming. 

Thanks for playing!

Fun little incremental game. Not sure what the earthquake did except destroy most of my crops

Clever idea, and well executed!

Thanks! I ran out of time but maybe I'll create more levels after the jam :)

Thanks for your review! 

Thanks! I just played yours and it's a lot of fun too! The club swinging is very crazy but just controllable enough to be a lot of fun. And it creates a lot of "accidental" fun where you unintentionally hit the ball way out of bounds on the back swing. Lots of potential for more levels!