Yes I found the same mistake
Recent community posts
Really simple and quick rules, could start right now with no preparation, and sitll have fun. But I have a question about fighting. When would players get hit? Does the monster automaticly hit the player? Or the player could get a chance to dodge or defend (by the rock-paper game)? Or if the player lost their attack, they automaticly get hit?
I'm from China and I'm planning to start a broadcast in Chinese. And I also like to become a "Caller", but it's difficult for me to make that call... So I come up with an idea. Is it possible to make a website or leave an email address so people who from different coutries could send their recorded audio files to be a Caller? And, maybe there could be a website with the function to choose languages, so DJs around the world could choose the callers who speak the same languae. What do you think?