Oops, forgot to validate the wave behind the text there. So it's trying to use values indexed from a table that isn't that large... Whoops. Appreciate you playing tho <3
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Thank you for taking the time to try it out.
I wanted there to be some kind of "end", even if the only ending was essentially losing. But some kind of continuation system could have been cool. Even maybe the reverse where you can spend a credit to replay the round. I'll be sure to take your feedback into account for next year :D
Level 13, you're probably a world record setter. Congratulations!
It's more of an arcade style in which you simply see how long you can last. Was my first jam so I was super conscious on not wanting to commit to something that required an ending and then not have the time to actually finish it. I'll for sure make something that has an ending next year tho, now that I've got a footing down. Thanks for taking the time to check it out :)