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A member registered Nov 14, 2023

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(1 edit)

Ok another bug (At least i think it is?) you can check controls mid-game, but this also has the effect of the game being reset as you cant get back into the game you were in. (i keep hitting it accidentally when i go to shoot ;-;)

(2 edits)

Found another exploit, your ground-top teleporting is kinda bugged moving the player at very high speeds on the y axis, normally it's not REALLY  a problem but this combined with the other exploit means you're basically immortal cuz the rockets get confused on where you are leaving them to slowly inch there a way to you and by the time you have to get to them they've already despawned or at worse you gotta move for a second and your good

Edit: yea at a certain position you're literally immortal. but this does need to be refreshed cuz your position stops updating. (not sure what the cause is, prob cuz the player glitches out of the range your checking for?) so you need to jump when this happens.

Yo, had the same issue as land time, also found an exploit, you didn't set the code at the teleport sides to at least half the player sprite width so you can just camp at the sides and only fully go to the other when a rocket appears,

(2 edits)

Yo, not a problem really but you can section off your code into different files and import them into the main one, like classes go into a class file and constants go into a constant file,  it can help with organizing your code and it can make it easier when it comes with adding new things to the game, that and comments

Another not a problem  now that I'm thinking about it is that you can put the game assets in a sub-folder, just so that  players don't need to search for the exe file, all you need to change is to move the files, and change the location in

Another non problem for the night, you can add an icon to the exe file threw pyinstaller using this prompt

pyinstaller --icon=iconName.ico --onefile --windowed

not ur gonna need an ico file, u can use ico converter to change any img into an ico file, you have to put it in the same folder as the main file tho

Yo i had an issue with seeing the game screen and i found the problem, you can change line 15

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))

to this

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height),pygame.SCALED | pygame.FULLSCREEN)

What pygame.SCALED does is to make sure that the game resolution scales with the Monitor resolution and what pygame.FULLSCREEN does is that it fits the game to the monitor screen