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A member registered Jun 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Apparently, in the original, the "perimeter guy" does eventually chase the player. After X number of circuits I think. Couldn't find any good videos that showed this, so I just made up the number of circuits he does before he chases you. I'm guessing I made him a little too aggressive?

As for the hippo stage, I'm not great at it either but my 14y/o seems to be able to nail it every time!

not sure what you mean. Please expand. Thanks. 

Thanks for the really kind feedback. I’m away for the next few days but will look at updating the controls when I’m back. Glad you’re enjoying the game. 

The .p8 file (available in the downloads) is the pico-8 source file, unminified (but still a bit messy, to keep within pico-8's token limit). The source is in pico-8's version of Lua.

Hi, I just downloaded the Windows version and there doesn't appear to be an easy way to do this (no config file). If you have a purchased version of pico 8 installed, you can use the KEYCONGIF utility (apparently): https://pico-8.fandom.com/wiki/Keyconfig

No idea how you'd do it if running the executables though without downloading a third-party application to do this - suggest you're very careful if you have to go this route though.

Pico-8 defines these keys and I think you can change them in one of the config files but am unsure which. I always played 2 player with connected controllers for this very reason.

Thank you. Lemmings can't be creepy, surely! 😁

Your Amidar trainer really put me on to doing this remake. I'll link it in my game description if that's okay? Yeah, the hippo thing was my own addition, based on a Mario Party mini-game. I wrote this jingle that I really wanted to use but also wanted to include versions of the original jingles too. Good enough reason!

Just uploaded the dropzone ones!

Done. Sorry that took so long!

Yes it would! 😂

Something simpler!

@jclounge. Done!

Done! Enjoy

Lives are sorted. Now displays remaining lives excluding current life.

Version 0.81 gives a short-stun if the player hits an enemy when being knocked back by a door (if the enemy is really close to the door, they'll get a full stun).

And, if I do update this game, I'll fix this up since its been pointed out. Wasn't even on my radar before so thanks for clarifying.

Someone pointed this out on my Lexaloffle page too. Pretty sure I did notice this behaviour but completely forgot to implement it. Not sure if I have enough tokens left but, if I do, I'll likely update it.

You may well be right. I didn't really think about it, just used the code from many of my previous games. Not too worried about it since it doesn't affect gameplay but I do see your point that it could be confusing!

The life counter is "inclusive" of the current life. Since you get 3 lives, it will show 3 (some games will show 2, as in your "remaining" lives).

Thank you, and I can't believe how quickly after I'd copied up the PNG you got that video finished!

Oh, and thanks for paying too. Not expected but always appreciated!

thank you. I was really pleased with how authentic it feels!

Thanks. I've good memories of the C64 version.

Done. Version 0.81 now allows O/Z to jump as an alternative to Up. Thanks for the feedback. I always tailor the games to how I'd play them so it's good to get feedback like this.

that’s exactly how I had the controls at the very start. I just couldn’t get used to it which is why I changed it to up. 

All fix. Apologies. 

thank you. Alway appreciate hearing positive feedback. 

probably firing missiles since you can also push up. Wasn’t in the beta but requested since that’s how the original played. 

thank you!

I had to be really picky about the speech phrases I used. Could get that one to sound intelligible unfortunately. 

You can. Hold X and then press a direction. Z (or [O] in pico-8) lets you run and fire at the same time.

I used a library called speako8. See the link in the description above. It’s awesome!

I really wrote this for my own use but decided to put it out there. Seems to work okay with some code and certainly, at the time, it worked fine for ALL my own pico-8 code (but I do code in a very particular, quite simple, way). Weird that it doesn't cope with block comments though.  In saying that, I always end mine "]]--" which my code seems to handle fine. Didn't realise you could omit the "--".

quite a list of small things to fix. One day. Maybe!

Thanks. This was my second ever pico-8 game. Still pleased with how it turned out.

pretty much endless but loops around level 10 but adds pods. Next loop adds homing bombs. Plus a couple of “formation” levels thrown in for good measure. 

Shoot 3 small birds in a row without missing or hitting anything else 😀

No plans. Just wanted a simple project to work on after Tutankham.

Thanks Tom, glad you liked it. One day I'll play the original!

thanks for playing. Really good to see someone learning all the rules without getting frustrated. You’re more patient than me 😂