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A member registered Oct 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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absolutely... OIALT is fine, but Eternum really is awesome...

Caribdis... i just played through the long-awaited 0.7 and boooyy, what a pleasure! You really upped the quality of the renderings and animations AGAIN, i loved the silly humour, the story is awesome, the girls are lovely as ever, hell even the main character is actually nice. And hell, what a cliffhanger...

Can't wait for 0.8 but PLEASE take your time... bc what i like most is the incredible overall quality. i'm happy to wait as long as it takes. Personally I'd like some more horror content, but I trust that whatever way you go it will be just fine.

This is really one of the most awesome games I played. I haven't paid so far but I got some money now and I'll be happy to let some of it fly you way once 0.8 is out Thanks, dude. Stay healthy and all the best. You rule, man. You FUCKING rule.

XD oh god that would be a disaster

what, less sex? tsk.

i envy you... you have a great game ahead of you :) it also made me create an account

Caribdis, thanks Caribdis for a great game :) i hope the review i've written helps you a bit. after having played Eternum, i was a bit underwhelmed at first, mostly because the renderings looked a bit lifeless and flat... but it gets better and better, and at the end, it's just as creepy and sexy and touching (and occasionally funny )as Eternum. I'd love to meet Stabby Mike again, he's a super fun character, and I see I'm not the only one thinking so. Please give him a cameo in Eternum :) Anyway, thanks again for your wonderful work, and please keep going!

well yes, it's called "Casual Desires" and it doesn't pretend to be a dating simulator, so don't blame the game for not being what it doesn't claim to be

Sounds really awesome and the girls look lovely. Looking forward to play it :) Thanks IonDivvy

totally looking forward to this one... love that you can train a succubus... in reality it's usually the other way round i guess XD

And am currently downloading Once in a Lifetime :) Thanks again, dude, you made my life a little better <3

Yayyy!! I was really sad when I realized that the one scene was all... she definitively is the most exciting girls in this game, I totally get her.

Thanks, Caribdis, for making such an awesome game freely available... being on social welfare, this really is an issue for me.. Loved the story, the girls looked great, and the pace was perfect... just when you began to get bored, there was an other exciting scene. Looking forward to v0.7!