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A member registered Apr 30, 2020

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update:it may have been a glitch but after i did the bimbofication plotline and chose to go to the last save before that she poped up again and there was a scene telling me her name was jane or june [cant remember] and that somehow she was trying to get val to change her hair back. very interesting!

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so i was doing a new game + and was using the up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,b,a,b,a code to try to aim for the bimbo ending. i enslaved val and changed her into a bimbo. after having the first convo with miss rack i healed sarah and didnt do her first conversation with her in the town screen. however a NEW icon this a new cannon girl or is this a random encounter? :o

quick edit:i noticed i didnt talk to jane during her intro scene where shes teaching the class and i actually didnt talk to miss rack.

From what ive played through, ive had to target specific characters in order to get the "good" ending of the enslavement the end of the game if the majority of the enslaved characters drop a trust point above their name flash very quickly[ you will see a blue plus or minus if their trust is affected, and a red one if their affection is changed.]KEEP YOPUR EYE ON IT  while making a choice and save often with a backup save file just in steps were as follows:

enslave val on second encounter,and make sure you target the spell on the monster at the beginning

dont enslave the nerdy girl or sarah until late game with the book. you can do so with the book AFTER you unlock sarahs plotline AND have done the story route to restore the beserker's mind. for me i find that its a bit of a pain but if done right, you can get a 3 for one package using the book.

Jane will make you sign a contract to cast suppression. TIME THIS RIGHT and you save molly, making her trust you into becoming a willing slave.[havent really mastered the rest of molly's willing submission route but until someone figures it out, enslaving molly is a no go unless you know you can take a hit on the trust points.the rest of the female teachers will have to be enslaved. i did so normally,but if there's other methods during this route, im unsure.[never tried.]

once you are done with ashly's mind being restored and sarah's plotline being taken care of, its time to grab julia by the book and change her personality long enough to get her to goad Cassandra out of hiding. i personally win the fight and use grapple, but using the other methods should work well to. have sarah and Cassandra in the same party and work the plot line in making Cassandra confess to sarah.IF CASSANDRA CONFESSES, THEN YOU GOT HER ADMITTING YOU HELPED ,CAUSING HER TRUST TO GO UP INSTEAD OF DOWN.[very importaint.] during this, you can eventually capture the one trying to prank you and cassandra.

Capture the enchantment shop girl by unlocking the monster hunter shop and with the chakrem you agree to aid her. when shes in the library with julia, chunk a chakrem at her. this allows her to freely walk in and out the barrier, but also makes her yours, which ironically ADDS a trust point.once that happens, start the route to capture the monster hunter shopkeepers. you can seduce the female by following the guide that changer currently has for it,then fluster the male monster hunter[by using charm or flirt if i remember right] then use your preferred method in capturing him. 

once you have 8 enslaved people the black girl who is drapes lacky student will turn up.MAKE  SURE YOU BOUGHT THE BOOK before you run in with her, otherwise try to find a way where the tempted hero path enslaving jane can lead up to her capturing her as a gift to you.[i stumbled across this by accident once and dont remember how i did it.sorry for that.]

with these characters enslaved val will instead of denying you her aid actually encourages you to try to change and at that point hit the option to enslave em all. boom enslavement end complete.

if anyone else has ideas on how to make it to where the other character trust levels are high enough that can definitely help with making sure we can get the remaining characters in a high trust to get them rounded up, that would be immensely helpful.

bonus round! in order to catch kate aka the superhero chick, during her second encounter in the dungeon DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT HELP HER.use suppress at JUST THE RIGHT MOMENT when she gets to the point about wrapping things up. she will teleport out. find her, and then shes yours!i kinda wish there was a grapple option on her but thats just me.

i spoke with hypno personally and tested it out. what needs to be done is during the second dungeon encounter with her, dont help her at all. when her fight ends and she says something along the lines of wrapping things up use suppression.i personally dont remember using confusion, and met her just outside the dungeon entry area, where she submits to you.

so i want to capture kate but due to the updated walk-through the information regarding kate is missing. can someone give me the info on how to catch her?

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request/suggestion[spoiler warning included]: there is a certain male character you can mind control,but as a male you cant genderbend them then mind control them to make them believe they are female as an option,or mind control them as a male to be should be included as a bit of a variety.

ive been finding it a little difficult to travel as im still learning the second game. i was hoping to see if theres a way we can switch it to classic mode to where we adventure like in strive for power.

if you are still looking for a writer im interested in discussing the plot and in addition possibly see if we can add a little something to the first game that can lead up to us seeing this civil war event, kinda like a prequel to it if you will.  palagriz#0146

when going to the bandit camp region alone i noticed that theres a bug. i had tried advancing and it wouldnt let me, so i was attempting to exit back to my mansion. it froze and had a brown screen. i wasnt able to click on anything and was forced to close the game.