I loved the artstyle and the atmosphere, and the Black Sheep ending was very touching to me! Thank you for this lovely game.
Recent community posts
The controls can get a bit clunky, but once you've got the hang of them it works fine imo. If like me, you struggle with interacting with the tables, try coming at them from the right bottom-side. To interact with the clients, you have to be in their grid so either right in front or next to them. You can use the Enter key instead of Z.
Hope that helps!
I could never reach a good (if there is any) or true ending, because I got too freaked out to try to beat the chase sequence again and again haha Maybe one day I'll be brave enough, but for now I have to rest my case about how creepy this game manages to be.There were many times where I had to peek through my fingers at the screen, such as when you are given a full screen of the window next door... The game manages to play with your anticipation and use it against you.
Going into this I was expecting a standard kink game (which is fine! i like those), so I was agreably surprised to get a deeper story. I got quite engrossed in the sequence of events following our initial escape, I thought it was well-paced and realistic. And I am very curious about the backstory and how everything ties together! The art style is good, I love how meaty the characters look. I'll definitely keep an eye out for further updates, keep up the good work :D