I didn't set it up so there's no example. I'll explain how it works again. Above, now you try to read and understand. If you have any problems, I'll demonstrate again.
Now I have uploaded the demo video and it works fine, no problem at all, you just need to understand how it works, which I didn't really explain, so it's hard to use.
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Everything is 0 but should have only the ID of the armor and the helmet, then you will get the armor and helmet.
Just specify that, you change the image you want to change from this armor, this helmet, the image will change according to your choice.
If there are other parts that you set overlapping, it may cause the image used to always work in the next sequence.
So I tested this plugin in all forms, it is possible that you have set it up wrong.
In the sample project, the sequence is overlapping and difficult to understand easily. You should do it from the beginning.
The topics and data must match in QuizLog. Do you have an example of how to organize all the topics in a sheet?
I suggest you try copying it again here.
Copy Google Sheet to your own database
Preview that you haven't edited any topics and the app script inside is the same version.
Thanks for the solution, I have now updated to version 1.0.4, downloaded and installed again.
In the SetNPCIcon command, specify:
mapId: The map ID where the NPC is located (0 will use the current map)
npcId: The ID of the NPC you want to set the balloon for
The other parameters are as you want
For ClearNPCBalloon, specify mapId and npcId as well.
First open EV00x, then create and set trigger to automate in content, set all balloon display, in event command select control switch to A = On, then go back to original EV00x, create 2 new bars without setting anything in them, select switch self = A and done, the management will be done automatically.