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A member registered Dec 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

😂😂 Okay ill give some hint, first the 3 absolute truth are very usefull, then try to make link between the notes and objects in the apartment and most importantly you can interact with other object than the fridge and the radio ! 

Ps: If you have a hard time aiming precisly at object you can get a crosshair in the settings in game

The game looks really cool ! Unfortunately i bring the battery back to the drone but when i tried to enter the portal with the mousse click the game crash idk i may dis something wrong

From the discord 10min ago:

>We are trying to get this all sorted out and will make an announcement when this is done! Thank you all for your understanding and apologies for the inconvenience

He said it will be amazon gift cards so

idk why would he lie abt this ?

Kinda fun the backstory is good and the aspect of the game is really funny, the movement are really weird tho

Happy it did !