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A member registered Jul 23, 2017

Recent community posts

Hey, there's an extra block in the pack that isn't mentioned in your contents list.

Are you aware of this?

I do like the look of those....Copy and paste would be a god send at at the minute, eh :)

Nice work :-)

I don't think people say thank you enough to people who spend their time to give us these types of resources.

I'm going to have fun with these, after i've finished this damned castle i'm working on.

Cheers mate.


Nice block pack, very much appreciated....

So nice that i just had to make a alien space station with some of them :D

(3 edits)

Hey everyone.....

Here is a alien space station that i've created for a project.

I'd like to thank Teddyoh for the 'untracked' block pack and Coldragon for the 'Random Block' block pack. I'm getting a lot of mileage out of those, fantastic work.

The textures didn't translate over to Sketchfab for some reason, but hey, it looks ok.[have fixed the textures and re-uploaded]

Any comments or suggestions below are very welcome.

The .obj file is available on Sketchfab for download.

Click here for the .model file.



Sketchfab link below.....

(2 edits)

Hey everyone.....

Here is one of my example space fighters that i have designated for an NPC authoritorial role.

For some reason, the white areas didn't translate when i uploaded the model to Sketchfab, just turned them black. It doesn't look bad so i left it :/

Any suggestions etc, just put them below.

3D model link to Sketchfab below.

Click here for the .model file.



Very nice :-) Could i make a suggesstion.....If you used the 'sloped tank track guard' from the 'Untracked' block pack for the legs, it might give you more of a spindly look. If that's what you wanted.

It's very hard making something like a spider in Asset Forge, what with the lack of controls for rotation etc. I'm looking forward to those.

I'm liking the style :-)

This software is fantastic!!!!

I'm not a modeler by any means, but the biggest tip that i can give is that any block can be used for anything you like. I know it sounds obvious, but try to look at the shapes of the blocks and not what their intended use is.

For example, i use the cockpits, rotated quite a lot to smooth off the body shape at the rear of the cockpit.

Have a look at this lot that i've been playing around with, might give you a few ideas :-)

No bonus blocks were used, as i don't have them.

I have made extensive use of the blocks pack called 'Untracked'. I can't tell you how much that pack has helped me out.

I've also added space stations and ground vehicles that i've been working on, just in case they give you inspiration.

BTW.....I had to convert all of my screenshots from jpg to png, as this forum isn't allowing me to upload jpg's for some reason. That's why they look a bit ropey, sorry....

Some small pod like starter ships.....

Some light fighters.....

Authorities Space Fighter.....

Asteroid Bases/Space Stations.....(WIP)

Space Station_Colony

Asteroid Base_Colony

Asteroid Base_Military

Ground Vehicles.....

Line of space buggies built from a base model.





Let me know what you think.

If anyone is interested in the files for any of these just let me know.

Cheers :-)

(1 edit)

He should be called Cecil.

After getting beat up so much as a kid, because of his somewhat obscure name, he decided to beef up and give some pay-back on the bullies. Only to find out that they had all died years earlier in an electric toothbush incident while on a short stay at a mental institution. 

Now, with nothing but pent up revenge coursing through his veins, he wanders the world looking for a herbal tea that will, maybe, satiate his unspent revenge.
