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A member registered Sep 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Your reply was not late so you don't need to worry about that.

I noticed your mistake. You entered a boolean variable in a parameter where you should have entered a 3D Object ID (string).
You should have entered "light" as a string, not the light variable.

This is not a bug in the extension.

An update for the Mouse Pointer Lock extension has been released. v0.1.7 is available.

I received the project.

I can't find an action to remove the light. I don't know how to reproduce the problem.

Please explain.

The extension will be updated soon (if approved by GDevelop...)

Please send me your project files. I'll leave it up to you to decide how to send the files.

Do you mean the helper is not deleted? The helper is for debugging and will not be removed.

Are you using the "Mouse Pointer Lock" extension on Linux? I've heard reports of issues with it on Linux.

(1 edit)

Thank you for reporting this.

I was not able to reproduce the lighting issue. I checked both when using behaviors and when using actions.

Please let me know the steps to check the issue in a new scene.

You haven't created any collision events, so nothing will happen when there is a collision.

First, please attach a screenshot of the event that you think is the cause. If you want to share the project, you can share the zip file on Google Drive, etc.

Hi JuztChillin,

I tested the collision of BoxProjectionFromTiled and there were no problems. If the collision doesn't work even if I remove the BoxProjectionFromTiled behavior, I don't think it's an extension that's causing the problem.

Please let me know the steps to create a simple new project so that I can reproduce the problem.

Thank you for reporting it. I have confirmed that an error occurs.

WithThreeJS does not support the "Pause and start a new scene" action. Currently, I am working on improvements to avoid the error.

What child variables a structure variable contains depends on the project you created. Please check the contents of the variable with the debugger.

Check the GDevelop documentation for information on how to access structure variables.

I noticed you are using ToString(). That's wrong because variables are structures.

Please check the contents of the variable with the debugger.

The "Request scene information" action is asynchronous. You are updating the text before the data retrieval is complete.

Try moving subsequent actions into the same event.

Maybe you are using a version older than version 0.0.9? I remembered that there was a problem with older versions of "Request scene information".

If so, I recommend updating to the latest version.

Could you please post a screenshot of the event you created? This will allow me to give you appropriate advice.

Maybe it's "Request scene information"?
It's working fine.

Thanks for letting me know. I am currently working on the issue.

If you want to solve the issue right away, please add a 3D box to Scene objects (no need to place it in the scene). That alone will solve this issue.


なお、「IME なにそれおいしいの?」な さんが用意してくれた掲示板は日本語入力の難度が非常に高い仕様となっております。

See the second half of this video.

(1 edit)

This issue has been reported as resolved.

I updated the ISRG certificate and the error resolved. It was just a mac os update problem

I am not disclosing my personal information, but I am not a team.

Hi astasio,

Your game has some events to fix.

But before that, could you show me a screenshot of the developer tools console screen? (Command + Option + i in preview window)

Hi Beginnerman,

I recommend using the browser version instead of the app version.


Version 0.9.0 is not backward compatible. You must correctly re-set the parameters of all actions and expressions related to 3D.

If it is difficult, please download version 0.8.5 from this page and import again.

Thanks for reporting.

This problem is somewhat improved by using version 0.1.4 of the "Mouse Pointer Lock" extension. If you are already using it, please wait until further improved versions are released.

Thanks for your opinion.

I'm sorry. I do not offer examples for free. Instead I will continue to provide videos with tips.

By "shooter project" are you perhaps referring to the "FPS Example" example I am distributing?

Unfortunately I don't have a Mac so I can't confirm the problem. Are there any Mac users experiencing similar problems?

Make sure you haven't removed the skybox image from your resources. There are also reports that placing the skybox image in the project folder instead of the assets folder fixed it.

These were supported in version 0.8.1.

Hello reina,

This extension does not yet support changing the "near" and "far" properties, but this can be done using Javascript.

"const Camera = gdjs.__WithThreeJS.get("Camera");"
This will give you access to the camera.

Please understand, however, that I do not recommend using Javascript to control this extension.

This extension will support changing camera properties in the future.

Thanks for the video. I now understand what you are trying to say.

This is a problem with the "Speed on the X axis" action in the "Top-down movement" behavior.

I will report this issue to GDevelop.

I could not confirm the problem on my PC. Please let me know the steps to reproduce the issue.

I didn't get any errors on my PC. I think you are simply getting the position and scale wrong.

Use Raycast to click on 3D objects.  The "Raycast Example" and "Change 3D Texture Example" will help you.

The image was so small that I couldn't read what was written. Since it does not seem to be a simple error, it would be better to share the zipped project with you.

I don't know what you attached so I can't give exact advice. Judging from the URL of the image, it seems that the image in Google Chat is posted. It probably won't be visible to anyone but you.

I don't have access to the image, so it's not showing.