have you added the remove block thing yet
like this: remove a block one at a time
i found a bug again the water freezed
add music to the game please.
-to quackplusplus
you don't have feed chickens they don't die of hunger
i did it
my sis is a world farmer
i love this game
i find bugs a LOT like a lot here's one of them
if you are behind a wall while pressing s and big ducks are pushing you
you have a animation bug
tap reply for more bugs
I found a bug rubber ducks fall through blocks if you push them through 1 block
and enemies them push through too by 2 blocks or more
you can fall through trees by pressing s and space at the same time
add romove button please
i beat world 2-1 in under 90 sec
thank you
fix the bird wings
i fell out of the world