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A member registered Nov 05, 2021

Recent community posts

can't you just buy the game?

What version are you playing bb+ on?

Why are there so many pirates here?

Having trouble updating your game or are you pirating?

Having trouble updating your game or are you pirating?

because this is not the current version of the game

Can't update?

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Old Sport wrote why it is not there

Old Sport wrote that many functions are not working. Why can't you be patient and wait until the menu mod is fully functional

Nice that you made Mod Menu for BBCR but what version does it work in?

This is great news

What's changed in version 0.10b? 

When will you fix Character Speed?

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Idea: Add Tutor Baldi in the Character Modifier

You can do it yourself. At the very bottom you have something like settings and you can change to any button there.

The easiest way would be to reinstall the menu mod.

It is legal. It's really hard to create such an advanced mod, so if you want, you can reward Old Sport's dedicated time with a small fee.


Old Sport is constantly working on the Beta version and if you don't like it, you don't have to play it. But I am sure that if Old Sport works longer on Beta, it will be even better than the original version.

The Beta Mod Menu is amazing. Fasguy will be proud :)

I don't know about you, but it stopped working for me after the last update. Does anyone else have this problem?

Baldi's Basics Plus

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Why do you need this in version 0.3.2? 0.3.4, I will understand if you are on Mac as Mystman has some problem with Mac new version release. I don't want to accuse you of anything, but something tells me you pirates Baldi and you just can't find the latest version. The best way not to pirate games is to buy the game. Do you know piracy is illegal?

I guess this is because there is a regular duplicate instead of spawning the new character. Example: when Princpal of the Thing clones when hit with gum, its clones will be very slow even though they won't have gum on them. The situation is similar with Cloudy Copter. When it is cloned when it is not causing wind, its clons will not cause it either.

Oh, however, I was wrong. Before sending the message, I tested whether it works like that, but it doesn't. Even if you wait for the moment Cloudy Copter causes the wind and clone it, the result will be the same.

I am using google translator and you must have misunderstood. My point is, the Cloudy Copter clone cannot produce the wind

Hi. Sorry to write about Cloudy Copter again, but I found another bug. When you clone it, its clones can't blow it up, which I think is a bit weak. Is there any way to fix this?

I noticed that when I try to clone Cloudy Copter, Mrs Pomp is cloning. Would you be able to fix it somehow? Because it shouldn't be hard.

Literally 5 minutes ago, the Baldi Basics Plus update was released. I look forward to the update of the Mod Menu!

You would be able to add a character size edit?

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Are you going to add speed editing features for all characters?

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Dude, you posted it even though Old Sport did not agree to it. It is not nice

I'm sure old sport is about to add all the characters to character modifers with Mrs Pomp so it's absolutely out of the question for me to post it anywhere. Besides, I did it as a curiosity that the code that old sport made works for all characters.

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Hi old sport! By rummaging through the files of your Mod Menu with DnSpy, I tried to add the ability to edit all characters with your ready-made code and somehow I managed. Unfortunately I couldn't add Mrs Pomp because I just couldn't find her in the game files. It took me over 5 hours to figure out how to do it, but without your ready-made code, I probably wouldn't have done it. I greet and wish you further success.

Of course, to be clear, I don't want to compete with you that way or anything like that. I just wanted to show that your code works very well for other characters as well.

its working on 0.3.4

Cool! I can't wait for you to add Gotta Sweep. Can you add character speed editing functions as well? It's just a pity that you didn't manage to get the Mod Menu to go on with the button.

Hi. After the last update, I noticed a small error. This mainly applies to character cloning. Namely: Clone Playtime cannot start jumping with you, Clone Cloudy Copter is not working properly, Clone Gotta Sweep cannot sweep player and NPC. It would be great if you could fix it. Regards.

It doesn't work, and besides, it's a stolen mod. Please give the link to the real author.

Welcome! Could you please add more features in Cheats. I would love to be able to clone more characters in this decompile, for example Gotta Sweep or Beans. I'd like you to add it. Unless of course that's not a problem for you.

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Could you make Baldi Basics Ultra Decompile Open Source? If that's not a problem for you, of course. Link

Through piracy. Which you have done too. Remove this link with the free Baldi Basics Plus kit! It's illegal.