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A member registered 19 days ago · View creator page →

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It's so nice to have a character creator that can make people who look like my neighbors it makes me really really happy

this is awesome!

You seem like a gift to humanity and I appreciate you

The most beautiful thing I have ever seen thank you for gracing us with your presence

Also congrats dude!

This is actually like really good attention span practice also painful 10 out of 10

this make me feel bad

good job!

At first I loved this and thought I could not vote for it and then it started slowly killing me

10/10 Horrible game thank you for making it incredibly charming but maddening and I just I love it it has perfect vibes it has just mmmmm In the best possible vibes on the planet Would sell my wife and kids and ex husband and ex-partner Just to play this game again In the apocalypse

This is a very very good question ?

Thank you so much this Comment means so much to me I am putting it on my wall

terrifying i love this! thank you for makeing this!it sparks joy!

idk have funnnnnnn codeing nerdddddddd this is nice!