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Paper Guy

A member registered Apr 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Idk bro, lately I've been aching for games that give little to no hand-holding and you have to figure out everything by, say, reading a manual (or some emails). Still There is the best example I can think of, but interpreting the instructions in that one was a little too ambiguous. This one was more on the tedious side, considering the theme, but it was close to what I was looking for.

I'm autistic, is every day actually the same? No story at all? I got to day 8 before wising up lol

Title. Rebooting the game doesn't do anything. It just always stays on no matter what other options I switch on/off.

Look down, look left, look right up, none of the look options are functioning at all. Bug?

just curious--what images/films did you use as a reference when designing the graphical style?

absolutely perfect. it's been a long time since i've played an actually good horror game, AAA included. everything i ever wanted in one.

outstanding job.

does it feature secrets like the last game did?

performance needs to be touched up quite a bit. looks great, but holy god, it's very demanding.

i got the ending where the mountains disappear and the tall people approach you. THEN it autoquits. is that the one you mean?

wait, for real? these people in the comments saying they figured it out are lying?

can i get an explanation on the radio puzzle? i couldn't figure it out.

hey man, finally got around to giving this a proper playthrough, but i think i found a game breaking bug.

in what i assume is the final puzzle area, to the left after entering it there's a hole snug between three walls. having found many secrets already, i thought this was no different. i jumped in and not only is there nothing in there, but i can't get out. tried saving and quitting and relaunching to no success. i'm stuck in there.

two hours playtime lost :[

fantastic graphics, sound and tension. it wasn't until i was halfway through i realized why it was entered into the disc room jam. cheeky.

i went through all the disks over a course of five playthroughs. is there no actual match found in the room, and subsequently, only the one ending?

holy shit! i'm so happy to see this project alive. the first game was such a surreal and beautiful experience. i'm thrilled that the sequel is still coming!

saw the game at the AMAZE conference. kind of weird to see it at a convention but no longer available for consumption. is the appearance at the con a soft announcement for a second release?

how long is it? if it's over 10 dollars, i would expect it to be at the very least a few hours lol

welp, played it the whole way through, saw the "unspeakable horror"... is there no ending sequence? or is that it lol

yo any update on this? would love to play

i loved it, but what was the solution to picking up the correct phones in the correct order? i couldn't find any logic behind it.

a truly horrifying experience. as someone, not who can lucid dream, but still has extremely vivid dreams, this game invoked terror that really hits home for me. especially the sequence where you wake up over and over again. that can be very frightening, especially when you actually wake up and don't know if it's still a dream. some parts were dark and hard to make out, but i know you intended for that, as dreams are usually dim experiences.

you did a fantastic job on the sound design too. very similar to dreaming, all sounds felt very "buffed." the tense moments were insane, especially with the buildup of sound to simulate being "caught," a feeling that absolutely mortified me.

the combined visual effects and sound design used for the shattered glass part made it feel so very starry and, again, very much like a dream.

amazing job. i loved every dreadful moment. i very much look forward to what other work you may put out in the future.

two questions: where was the dollar sign in video 3? why does it matter whether i go clockwise instead of counterclockwise?

yo wtf is red? can you spot me a download link?

(3 edits)

i am... speechless.

this experience had probed the deepest cavities of my own head to invoke what i can only fathom to be the only true nightmare i've ever had while awake.

outstanding work.

i just mean that the game sets the mood with its soft gray colored text. the game over screen's text is a bright white, not ideal for gameplay since it's harsh on the eyes for long periods of time, but it's a game over screen so you won't see it that long anyway, however the glitch i experienced made the white text the permanent color of the main game.

fun game. unfortunately stumbled upon a game-breaking bug where when it asked if i wanted to restore the game after i died to the poisoned water, typing "y" yielded no response from the console. i tried sending "y" again to the response "not understood." as it turns out, i can still play the game (i think?) but it's forever stuck in that blinding white colored text, which unfortunately ruins the atmosphere for me. hope you can get it fixed.

huh... such a hopeless tale. this is the only visual novel that ever retained my interest. thanks for the experience.

of course

OS: Windows 10 Pro x64
CPU: Intel Core i7-6820HK @ 2.70GHz
RAM: 16 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M

hope you can get this resolved, it looks very interesting.

i'm getting some TERRIBLE frame drops! if i run it normally, it starts with a framerate around 30 and gradually lowers. degrading the resolution to 1366x768 allowed the framerate to stay at an even 60 but quickly dropped when the title made its appearance. exclusive fullscreen mode & 1366x768 made it run smoothly enough for me to enter the game and get a feel. about two minutes later, a quick steep drop from 60 to 5 in a matter of seconds. help me out?

actually a really cool idea. i was having a fun time exploring the subway's ever-changing halls. a couple of issues though:

the game lags exponentially as each train pulls into a map, given the player is looking in the direction of where it spawned.

taking the train from 3rd W causes the train to stop in an empty map. it opens its doors, closes, and takes off. it never loads the next map. you're stuck on it forever lol.

PLEASE keep working on this. it's a genuinely fun and perplexing idea! i would love to play this game in a more playable state. :]

I figured it out, thanks. Very short but nice experience. I liked the third puzzle. Reminded me of the glyph puzzles from Escape to Obion.

After playing the maze level for half an hour, I'm convinced that there is no third lever.

download link broken. alternative?

download link dead, alternative?