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Papi GrayBeard

A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Scary and sad game at the same time.  Great jump scares that got me good haha Great job with the story, didn’t see that coming.  

Great game. Had a little fun with it and made it my own haha good job guys.  Keep up the awesome work. 

Yeah this one game me some anxiety at the end.  hahaha Great Job.

loved the game.  Not gonna lie, laying there like that has to be a true horror if you cant move.  Great job guys

Pretty Fun game to play.  Damn Alien sucks and added a few gray hairs to my beard.  haha  Great job guys

Great Game.  If there is a Part 2 I'm in.  Great Job

Now I’m gonna be honest, I saw this game and didn’t expect for it to be so good. 1 big jumpscare followed by a moment of panic that had me on edge lol really enjoyed it and great job. Only issue I will have is that the music can’t be used on YouTube. And I could remove the music but that ending the music was perfect, couldn’t see it any other way.  Keep it up 🤟

This game has a lot of potential. I purchased the full game so that will be next on my list. Really enjoyed the atmosphere of the game. Really enjoyed it. 

This game got me good in a few jump scares.  A lot of fun to play and although I read that someone said the puzzles were very easy, for someone my age it was just right.  Appreciate it and hope to see more in the future. Really enjoyed it. 

Im not gonna lie, I was a little skeptical about this game at first but as I played it I really enjoyed the challenge as Im really bad with challenges.  Got me a few times good and a full game I would totally play it.  Great game, loved it.  

Good morning.   I tried to play the game and it crashed twice on me.  Once right in the beginning right before I started playing and next after I ate my first trash and turned the corner.  Hope it can be fixed, would love to play it.  Thanks

Loved playing this one. Seeing those smiling heads made my day hahaha good job guys. Recommended 🤟

Loved it. Did have an issue unlocking the first lock but that was my fault.  Once I figured it out it was smooth sailing. Did get me to scream pretty loud so that’s a plus hahaha good job guys. 

I really enjoyed the game, looking forward to the next one.  Did get me to scream at one point haha  Good job guys.  

im up for a revisit 🤟

Played the Demo, then livestreamed the Full game.  Loved it, my viewers loved it, it was awesome.  Good job.

Short horror game that did its job.  I think I was one of the lucky ones to get thru it, but very puzzling at the start as you pay the price for looking at them. lol  See what I did there?  no, ok cool :P Great game guys, loved it

What a Creepy Game this was to play.  At first, I was a little confused on what to do but the more I looked around the more I started to see and hear things and got me good a handful of times.  Can't wait to play the full game.  This is gonna be a great one.  Good job dudes.

So as short as it was, I really enjoyed it and please, don’t look inside the microwave.  it cannot be unseen haha great touch. Good job guys 

Great short game, had me going and going until……. You’ll have to see for yourself lol enjoyed it, good work. 

Haha when that alien started to run at me, pretty creppy lol there was a bug where he got stuck on a fence and I just went to town on him. If he was chasing me while shooting him, I definitely would of been screaming the whole time haha good job guys. Really enjoyed it 

that creepy feeling of something happening at anytime is all here.  Had me on edge the whole time. Great job guys. 

Loved it.  A full game would be awesome and I would totally play it. Great job guys. 

Great demo and just purchased the full one this morning. Added a few more gray hairs to my beard, no big deal.  😂  Will be playing it tonight.  Great job guys. 

Love the game.  Great job.  Pretty creepy and a lot of fun playing it.  I will be playing the others so stay tuned for those.  Happy Monday everyone 

hell yes.  Very excited 🤟

Played it and love where it was going, restarted after I lost the lamp in the bedroom only to lose it again a minute later.  If that could be fixed, would love to play it again and get further as it has great potential.  Thanks

wow, I just played the second demo a few weeks ago. Very excited to play this. Great job by the way. How long is the gameplay if I may ask?

Ive played the original Left Behind and this one had me on edge waiting for something crazy to happen.  Great job with the graphics, really enjoyed it and although I did get stuck after lighting the candle, I eventually figured it out and how creepy it became.  Cant wait to see whats next.  :)

Very fun game to play. Jumpscare got me good haha good job

Pretty Creppy I must say.  Love it and cant wait to see more.  Great Job on making that thing alive.  Really got me.

I feel bad for this woman.  Just can’t get a break. Good job.  

Great game.  Loved it.  That thing in the closet, made me very uncomfortable.   He would make a great character in a future game FYI.  Good job. 

Not gonna lie, really enjoyed where this was going.  Very creepy atmospheric terror at all times, very well made.  Great job guys. 
(1 edit)

Great demo and looking forward to what’s next. So much fun to play.  Jumpscares got me a few times no doubt.  Great work.  Play it,  You will enjoy it. 

Great game to play.  Great story, great jumpscares, really enjoyed it.

Alot of suspense and stuff happening as you play the game.  Really enjoyed it and the ending was pretty creepy.  Fun times.

Was really enjoying the game till it glitched on me when I went back into the living room as instructed.  Had no idea what to do but will revisit one day.

Wish I could of finished this game, the killer has a very creepy way of making you feel like he is gonna get you.  Will be revisiting it very soon.