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A member registered Feb 05, 2023

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i didn't even watched it yet and i already see, thx for the vid

im curious, do you have a screenshot of that or somthing?

i tried (extremely quickly(just the sniper cuz im lazy)), dis good, but te sniper needs some buff, it can't even kill a single ennemey, exept if it's supposed to be a late-game tower and that it needs tons of upgrades to be good. anyways, any codes yet?(yes i know i beg on that but im too lazy to do run after runs to try evrything)

ill be awaiting in the shadows

why would it? just make a steam accont and buy it. i even think the creator forgot this existed

good you are enjoying it then.

what is happening? i think i can help (btw what is the back stab?)

i have totaly no idea if it will actually work, it is just a theory

if you want to feel this again, just don't play it for a really long time ( a least half a year), if you think about playing it, that means it didn't worked, you need to wait until forgettint the existance of the game, and then, one day you will maybe find it randomly and have this feeling again, and wo knows, maybe you will read the comment and find your "old" comment again

did you bought it?

i got to the boss without doing anything, just shops and nothing, wtf

it is annoying htat the game dosen't stop when you get an upgrade, if you are unlucky, you just die

and another good thing: no-cooldown 10 damage sword (i had assasin so i could do 20 damage in 1 strike)

this won't be updated, but a full ver exists on steam (never tried it tho)

epic news

even, it could have been added without monkey knowledge

you know this isn't the normal BTD6 right?

as a reminder this game is discotinued...

what ideas you already have? (if you are ok to say them ofc) and you could do somthing like a suggestion chanel in your discord server (if you didn't already)

do you already have some other towers ideas in mind/ coded, if yes, can you say witch ones?

is there a dev mod or somthing like that to get inf coins?

oh ok, didn't knew about this

another good thing: no-cooldown double strike 5 damage sword

at 10:50, is that a referance to this game?

i think the no-cooldown freeplay smokebomb is a lil bit too op

i downloaded the 1.1 and im on windows btw

i think ill never get an answer be here i go: i can't play the game because the bottom  of the screen is cut 'the "save" and "load" button), and whatever i do i can't get past the 1st dialoge, what should i do?

just found and "finished" the game (got where it ends for now), is there a time planned for a new update?

no joke you could have maked her boobs bigger

two bugs i found: by sheer lag you can have multiples time the same tower (got two shrink rays on level one and two, but i think if you do well enough you can have on all 3 any tower), and the other one is just visual but if you place a splitter, then get the buzzsaw upgrade from the gb shop, they will be invisible. (ik you on't work on this version anymore but it is for the full version)

btw im sure this will turn into gd 2.2

will u add a code like in the original "tower defence?", or ur just gonna let it like that?

so this is the latest version we will ever get before the full realese?

oh ok, so where will i be able to get the updated/full version?

go look at dipler's page, the main game have changed (and he stopped working on it)

will there ever be an update on the itch version?

idk, i just placed the tower down, i tried to see if it did it again to axplain, but now it works, so idk what happend.

i did placed it, it was shooting and all

just tried it, it looks really cool, but when i place the 1st tower down, i couldn't place any other towers, no matter what they are. plus can u add a code like in tower defense?

that is what was in the last update...

this is normal, since the games is beta, this is just a place to test, so like id there is an error in XXX round in XXX gamemod, he can directly tey it (and other peoples too)