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A member registered Apr 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yes!  Actually last millennium. I used a DOS program called TheDraw to make the frames.  

Thank you so much!  It was intended to be “so much more” back when I designed and wrote it, a quarter century ago. Alas, it was already dated whwn I finished this proof of concept, and I never went on to make it what I envisioned, a procedurally generated first-person ASCII adventure game. 

Thank you!  It’s very basic, and really just a proof of concept. It is, however, complete, and can be finished (by gaining the key to the gate out of Town).

First off, my apologies for the late reply. I had submitted this game completely on a lark after reading a Reddit post and simply forgot all about it!  As for the riddles, no, there are no hints, sorry. I can spoil them for you if you wish. The locked doors are the locations of the subsequent Oracles, each of offering the next riddle in a fixed order. The search function only actually does anything after all the riddles have been solved. 

In short, it’s an unsatisfactory game because it’s incomplete. It was a proof of concept work that I finished just in time for ASCII art’s funeral, lol. I had planned on making it procedurally generated, or at least I believed at the time I could pull it off. As it was, I hand-crafted each and every frame (over 400, IIRC)  using an old ASCII art drawing program called TheDraw. 

Anyway, thanks seriously for your interest and play test!  I honestly did not expect a single response, let alone four. Making me think I should work on it again, a quarter century later, lol.