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A member registered Apr 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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lol sorry it was hidden!

(3 edits)

No the resolution is not the problem.  My screen size is 1280x720  and i just tested it with  a 1920x1080  video,  and it still displays it correctly. 

Did you download the video from my page and tested it with it ?

Or you can try it with the video i used to show off the plugin:
you can also pick different resolutions there.

does your videos have sound?  because  that could cause some issues (when playing in browser for example.)

One last thing!   i was testing  this plugin on my other pc which i havent touched in a while.  And the videos  also did not work.   

But this was because the pc had  some old drivers installed.  (GPU etc.) Check if your  computer is up to date and Update your drivers.  (And Browser) 

(2 edits)

weird, it is working for others and me...

Can you test it  with the video i just uploadet to the itchio page?
And confirm that this video is also not working?

Did you also try a new project with only this plugin on to ensure it dont conflicts with other plugins?

Do you use the default resolution?  (I am using 1280x720)

also check if you put the name in right (Case sensitive!)
so if a video  is named  TestVideo.mp4
and you put in Testvideo.mp4 it will not work.

(5 edits)

i need more info about that. 
what is exactly not working?

did you put the  video (mp4)  in the Movies folder?

did you specify it in the plugin parameters the right way?  Videoname.mp4  (with .mp4 extention)

Try to test it with a different video.

If you are using a pre title video, try to disable it for testing because this  can have conflicts with some plugins.

lastly try to put the plugin at the bottom of the plugin list  (below all other plugins) and see if it works. 

I added the option for custom scenes! :)

Cant wait to use this on my next Project   somewhere  2077 :D 

(2 edits)

Yes it is possible! 

Look for the next update soon. 


(1 edit)

Nice plugin! 

nice plugin!

are you aware  that this doesent work when you change the resolution?

are you planning to implement this ?
