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Paradox Edge

A member registered Dec 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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Always horny might not be working? Unless it's like a 1+ to a horny counter or something. I'd expect it to make my resting arousal high enough to where it triggers low level effects but nope. Nothin'.

S' not what I asked for though, is it. It'd be better if there was an in-game cheat sheet. Possibly even an actual radial menu to click on them to add them instead of having to type them all in manually.

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Yo there really needs to be a cheat sheet of what inclinations exist in the game actually in the game somewhere, probably the cheat menu or something. And a global override list that forces inclinations on every NPC in the game so you don't have to spend 70 hours doing it manually with every NPC you come across. Custom eye colors would be nice as well. Either that or contact lenses, whichever one fits the lore better, I guess.

Oh and more straight up molestation/rape events. Maybe a slider to go along with that so freaks like me who want to be in constant danger can be that.

Please execute self-delete. Your genes are worthless. :3

There needs to be cards that give minus stats to a doll's stats but enable advanced AI mode so it actually has some awareness and autonomy. I would happily take like a -15% to all of the doll's stats if it meant the doll actually does... ANYTHING substantial.

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I think you need to uuuuh. Stop. 'Cus this is hella gross! :3

Reasons? Anything with abominations is automatically gross. I don't need to elaborate further.

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There needs to be cards that give minus stats to a doll's stats but enable advanced AI mode so it actually has some awareness and autonomy. I would happily take like a -15% to all of the doll's stats if it meant the doll actually does... ANYTHING substantial.

It's so funny and hypocritic that the game insists multiple times that only girls exist in this digital world. Then it immediately slaps a bunch of cocks on a bunch of them like it's a normal thing to do and doesn't play into the factor at all. 🤡🤡🤡

Ah. You added achievements as well. This is turning out to be one of the shittiest games I have seen in a while! Both gross futa shit AND nonsense predatory stunlocking content? Smh my head.

Oh hey a femboy game. I wonder if it's gonna be ga-

Oh... Well, another brick in the wall, I suppose. 🥱

Get your disgusting mentally and genetically degenerate nonsense out of here. I hope you don't spread your genes, 'cus they're clearly worthless to our society and the porno sphere.

A futanari module that deletes your savefile, locks you out of the game permanently, and jumpscares you anytime you try to open it back up the moment you try to install it on Jun. :)

Oh, and possibly like, corrupt their computer or something. Just to REALLY kick the abomination worshippers in their mentally bankrupt nuts.

Here's a weirdo suggestion that might hit some people in the horny bone. A lesbian personality module. For the orientation play lovers out there. Not exactly rape? But more like reluctance and denial oriented. "But I'm into girls!" "Why am I feeling so good?!" that sort of stuff.

Achievements. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

>Says there will be no males in the game

>Adds futanari

Every, single, time. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡