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A member registered Jun 02, 2016

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You have to decompress the gz files but leave the gz extension afterwards. The way the desktop application hosts the downloaded files for you to play, doesn't enable the transparent decompression. 

With this method you will get a yellow warning at the beginning but it will go away and you can play the game just fine. 

You can get the achievement for lasting 3 minutes without driving forward even if you die. As long as you never press forward and continue letting the game run on the death screen, it gives you the achievement  

The Windows application can receive messages from Android but Android does not receive Windows messages

Got some footage here. Love it!

Needs an ambient occlusion toggle. Textures on Linux are weird without being able to turn it off.

Latest update requires .NET? This kills it working in Wine.

(1 edit)

It "runs" but that's very generous. There's no interaction with the mouse and the windows he drags in instantly appear and don't slide.

EDIT: Ok he finally grabbed the mouse after closing one of the bugged windows.

That wine doesn't work at all for Android. It's misleading, as it doesn't actually run Windows applications.

Turning off "Good" graphics for "Fast" in game makes it look normal.

AMD on Linux seems to have darkened screen, making it a lot harder to play.

Thanks for the update. The pull and push setting don't seem to work on desktop. Still the old aiming behavior.

Thanks for the Linux version! The pull to launch and mouse lock would make the PC version perfect.

(3 edits)

Where is that Linux version? I've been searching but haven't come up with anything.

EDIT: Aha here

EDIT2: Video