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A member registered Apr 02, 2014 · View creator page →

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Yes, the hotmail address. Search for "Partysofa" as the sender. If it's still not there I will send it again.

Hi! I'm sending you the textures on the billig email as we speak. Let me know if you need further adjustments :)

Yep, it's being made with 001 :)

Thank you Hanz!

Muito obrigado!

Thanks for checking it out again, I hope you have an enjoyable time now as well :)

I'm actually working on a Steam page, but it's not ready just yet. I want the game to be more complete before doing that. All purchases on itch will also give you a Steam key once the page is live.

Yep, the game is 100% single player. Thank you for your comment :)

I'm unable to reproduce this error and see nothing in the code that should make the game crash that hard :/ Does it happen consistently/every time you try talking to him?

You should be able to close the game from the Task Manager if it crashes, I'm sorry that you had to go through the trouble of rebooting your computer because of it! I know how much of a hassle it is.

Thank you! I'll look into them.

There's no such thing as overloading me with bugs! Those quests are in dire need of a refresh, thanks for letting me know! I'll get that fixed soon. 

Keep'em coming!

Fixed, was a leftover variable from the shop and inventory interface merging. Thanks!

I've uploaded a fix for your issues now, should let you play for longer than 5 minutes at a time.

The crash has been fixed!

Fixed Estate agent error. Looking into the crash now.

(1 edit)

I'm aware of one instance where that can happen, though for me the game just crashes and doesn't go white because debug mode. 

 Is it usually around morning time in-game? The notice boards sometimes break and endlessly loop when the game tries to update and generate new messages for them.  Approximately how long are you able to play before this happens?

Edit: it's not bothering me, don't worry about that! I'm deeply appreciative that you're letting me know about these things!

I took a look at the item, and yeah it turned out it didn't have the right values applied to it, so it would not do any kind of damage or be able to hit enemies. I've fixed it now :) 

Do you have a weapon equipped? You can't fight unarmed (yet). If you have a weapon equipped, the default button for attacking with a gamepad is B. You can also try changing the controls in the starting menu.  The control name for it should be Use Item.   

Thanks for bringing it up! I'm glad you're enjoying the game :) Let me know if any of these worked for you. 

Coming in 0.1.7 is the ability to export and import character presets! What this means is that you'll be able to save yourself the hassle of tuning the perfect character every time. 

It's all rather simple. In the Character Creator there are now two buttons in the top right corner. Clicking Export prompts you to enter a file name, and the file is generated in the Documents/001/Games/Tales of Astya folder with the file ending ".toaChar". The file has to be in this folder for the importing to work. 

Dev test, character preview shows in the big empty box on the right.

To import a character, simply click the Import button and enter the file name. Your character will magically appear with all the stats, looks, background and name it was exported with, to get you into the game instantly. Hope people like this little thing, even if it's a bit unnecessary (everything is already randomized when clicking the New Game button)

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Hello folks! I've got some great news for you. A while ago I made a post on my dev blog that Custom Player Housing would be a thing in Tales sometime in 2017. Well, now it's almost out of internal testing stages and ready to be let into the wild for you to make things with it. 

Here's a short GIF showing off how it currently looks. you just select an option from a menu and click the grid to place the tile. Doors and floor can also be laid down. I'm working on more variation in the options available, the ones in the GIF were purely for testing purposes. The tile picker look like this right now:

With this new feature you can draw your own house, instead of living in one of those premade ones you find in almost every city. The editing field is a bit limited though, for performance and memory reasons. It's currently 15x10 tiles big. Let me know what you think of this in the replies to this topic, or any questions about it.

Thanks Vox <3

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Feature requests from backers are more highly considered than those from people who have not donated

This forum can be used to request various features to Tales of Astya. Before you make your request, try to see if another user has requested the same, and if so upvote that post instead. Features that are requested are considered based on how many upvotes they have, so please use that to voice your opinion on things that are requested. 

All features will be taken into consideration, but I cannot guarantee it will be added. This can be either because of time constraints, not fitting in the game or engine limitations. 

Making a request

  • Explain why you want this feature
  • Explain where you want this feature to be implemented (UI, world, items, etc)
  • Why you think this will be a good addition to the game.

What not to request

  • New characters
  • New quests

Share your profiles for Twitter, Facebook page and the like with the rest of the community :D

@Partysofa on both Twitter and Facebook.

If you find any typos while playing the game, please post about it here with  a short description of where it happened. If you were talking to an NPC, please provide the name of the NPC. If it was an item, provide the name of the item, and so forth.

Talking to Commander Zarav one of the dialog boxes has a space at the beginning of one of the dialog windows, offsetting the text.

 The item description for Iron Sword has a typo in it.

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  1. Look at the Bug Tracker to see if the error has already been reported and is in progress. 
  2. Try to provide a screenshot or a thorough description of the surrounding area/map.
  3. Try to reproduce the problem. If you are able to. Provide clear steps to how the error occurs.
  4. If the game shows an error log, try to get a screenshot of that as well, as it will help immensely in tracking down the error.
  5. Include what version of the game you are using.

Taking a screenshot
Press Print Scrn on your keyboard and paste it into Paint or another image editing software and save it. Upload to an image hosting site, and provide the link in your report.

Using Google Forms to report an error
If you don't want to report a bug on the forums, you can also use this form to send a report, which is checked daily for new submissions.

Thanks for your help in making Tales a little less buggy :)

Wanderboots community · Created a new topic Bug Reporting

If you've encountered a bug somewhere in Tales, please write about it here. Thanks for your help!

If you have any suggestions for features to add to Tales of Astya, feel free to leave them in here :) 

That's a pretty fun twist on the classic indeed! Managed to get 57 bounces and 3 juggles playing alone.

Looks absolutely fantastic, really brings back that good old Build Engine feeling. Cannot wait for this to come out.

Thank you very much :)