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Pastel Koi

A member registered Jan 12, 2024

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I loved the characters and world/story! Please add discussions and depictions of suicide to the content warnings tho D: As much as I loved the game I had to stop after just 2 endings cause there's a lot of suicide stuff and I think it would be better for others who are also triggered by that to know before playing. Not angry or trying to critique, just want other players to be comfortable in the future! Like I said I loved the game otherwise and I'll check out what else you've got! I really like how it feels like every choice leads to a completely different path instead of just 1-3 different lines of dialogue, I can't imagine how long this all took/is taking to write! Make sure to take care of yourself/selves too!

I'm so in love with this game and character!! So excited for full release it was a lot of fun and well written!

Ok so I never comment on anything on any platform, but I had to let you know I LOVE this game SO much omg. Like foaming at the mouth rabid "I know my gleeby deeby *ss is going to hyperfixate on this for a while" level love this.  I just found this game and just checked the updates and I saw that it seems to be at a bit of a stand still so I just wanted to let you and everyone else working on this know that I really adored this and appreciate the work and passion that went into this so don't rush yourselves or try to force yourselves to work on it and inevitably loose that evident passion in the process. I'm not going to lie I would probably pass out if a full game came out rn and pay any amount for it but as a fellow human with a real life and a touch of ADHD I know how hard it can be to finish things so just take it easy :D (btw if this is a rambling mess its cuz its after 3AM here and this game gave me more serotonin then I've had in a while so I'm a little feral srry bout this weird coment lol)