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Pato Superior

A member registered 27 days ago

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If only yall got hired by some small indie company or got some money, this could be a cool new VVVVVVV style game!

Didnt get it, sorry

Didnt get it, sorry

Had issues with the plataformer part. Falling platforms would not respaw, thus soft locking me. No biggie, kill myself and re-do it. But the medicines didnt worked for me, only the one that shoots does something. Awseome concept thoi, would love to see it blossom more S2

Great game, just took some time to understand the black holde was the ammo source, but after that... what a blast!

Great game, just took some time to understand the black holde was the ammo source, but after that... what a blast!

Unfortunately, I could not play the game hitting E wouldn't do anything. Maybe just me but the style was pretty cool.