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A member registered Feb 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your feedback :)

I like the fact that we can control few planes :)

Nice flappy bird, with shurikens and fireworks ! The score seems to run up even after dying :)

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Nice game ! I think it would be nice to show what direction the people are going to move on next round, that would help planning ahead

Nice, a bit hard to play but I like the effect shown when shooting on sides and backward

A bit hard to get at the beginning, but once I got a way to destroy missile, it is pretty fun to play and finish :)

Was really fun to fly with the airplane. 

Adding some sort of score or some penalty to the player for hitting a balloon would help to play a bit longer :)

Very hard to control, would be simpler to aim with mouse :)

Thank you very much for your feedback

Well I wasn't stuck, I got caught by police inside the garage. First I went to fetch some wrench on left, then a policeman chased me, I ran into garage and once inside, the policeman caught me anyway and beat me up :D

Thanks for the feedback, took us some time to get the music done but it is nice to hear :)

Hi thanks for feedback, may I ask what sounds were missing/wrong ? And what would you polish ? That could help us in the future :)

I finished the game without shooting !

Nice, a bit slow, and I got stuck at the bottom of the screen under a monster, it killed my 3 lives without possibility to move.

I liked the idea of surrounding the tile!

I think it would have been better to increase the difficulty over time.

A bit frustrating to be frozen when reaching last upgrade

Nice little game, maybe a bit more speed on the drone could help

Having options for mouse speed would have been nicer, same for volume. With a dynamic character speed I expected possibility to jump :D

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Funny and quite unexpected ! Hard to control as we go through upgrades and the policemen have a clear advantage, maybe hitbox is too big ? I also got caught in the garage :D

Nice and clean ! Like the idea. At first balloons passing on the background got me confused though :)

Nice. I would recommend a bit more speed while rotating the camera. It took me some time to realize I had to click twice on bigger pigeons to get rid of them :D

Won the game, hurt my hand :D

Very nice, a lot of models and cards/bonuses. Fun to play !

Quite funny game :D not too hard to beat

Thank you for the feedback, we have tried different tweaking for shooting, like different hitbox, speed of shooting and speed of projectile. Finally we decided this to be enough for a bit of challenge (especially for catching bonuses) :)

Thank you, they were fun to modelize :D

Thank you for the comment and for playing  :)

Very good looking, was fun to collect these nuts :)

Fire spreading was unattended at first ^^

fun to play !

Awesome game, very good idea ! :D

I got a bug at some point I had negative amount of lives, so I think I had infinite amount of it

Thanks for sacrificing your pants on that game !

Thanks for feedback. We also wanted to add some visual scary atmosphere, but we did not have enough time. About the monster we did not want any, as the athmosphere was suppose to do the whole trick :D

We will try improving the door ;)

Thanks for feedback, if we had more time we would have added more different rooms, more objects to help player finding his way. We had idea as well of adding some lore :)

Game is cool. Is it on purpose to have the key for teleporting and opening upgrades both on c ? Because then I spend the energy even if I try to open shop from center of circle.

Very cool game ! Maybe we could come back at the beginning of the game when we die instead of the menu :)

It is hard to understand the aim of the game, what are the rules ?

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The mouse pointer are so tricky, sometimes I got confused and thought it was my mouse :D

Nice idea to revert time !

Changing the style of game at each run was a pretty cool idea, loved it !