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A member registered Nov 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank uuu ;3

YEPEY i even could catch some fish ;D

Thank UU ;333, I didn't played yours yet ,will give my comment to your game guys later ;D

Thank u again for this nice feedback ,yes unfortunattely I didn't discover yet what is the problem of crashing, I verified it a couple of times before posting it ,and was all good ,but seems the issue isn't fixed , I'll do my best to fix it ,thx again ;))

Make the gamescreen a little bigger please ,I would love to see what's writen there ,I couldn't pick any object :(, wating to play it in bigger size ;D ,afterall the art is pretty :)

The game is really really nice ,but a bit hard from my side xD , but overall the idea ,and the mechanincs are very interesting, also the characters are just on point really ,super cool)

Could you please make a decription ,of what's the goal ;D , I would like to understand it more  ,since the game looks promising ,and yeah..creepy)

It's nice that the enemies are actually a little scary), and the menu is nice ,the characters also!

(2 edits)

THANK U for your kind words), try to play soon the next version also ,where the second level is ready ,and It's a bit harder also ;D

Good job really!!!

Thank you really much ;D

I'm so sorry for this dissapointment ;d

Thanks a lot!!!