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A member registered Jul 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ooh, okay then. I’ve never heard of an issue like that so I don’t know how to fix it sorry 😔. If you think it’s the game engine itself maybe the rtp files are corrupted or something (i don’t remember if this game needed it or not) and you could try deleting and reinstalling? Or your computer itself might have a virus 💀. Idk. sorry I couldn’t be more help than this, tho I hope it ends up working for you ☺️

(1 edit)

idk if this is what you’re talking about exactly, but I think some parts are like that by design choice? like for example the part where you walk home from work and have the choice to either call Friend or not. tho if you are having similar issues with other games, it might have something to do with the files?? im not sure otherwise

bro my mom walked in right when i was at 5am wth 💀